
How to Tell if the Guardian Ad Litem is on Your Side

In legal matters pertaining to children, the appointment of a Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) assumes a critical role. A Guardian Ad Litem is tasked with representing the child’s best interests in court cases that involve aspects such as custody, visitation, or allegations of abuse. However, ascertaining whether a Guardian Ad Litem genuinely advocates for the child’s welfare can be a complex task for the parties involved in the legal proceedings.

how to tell if the guardian ad litem is on your side

This article seeks to provide clarity on discerning if a Guardian Ad Litem is truly aligned with your side, shedding light on essential signs and indicators that should be considered in the evaluation process.

1. The Role of a Guardian Ad Litem

When the court appoints a Guardian Ad Litem (GAL), their crucial responsibility is to independently advocate for the welfare of the child involved in legal proceedings. The primary focus of the GAL is to thoroughly investigate and assess various aspects surrounding the child, including their home environments, relationships with parents or guardians, and, if applicable, the child’s preferences, provided they are of an age to express them. It is essential to note that the GAL’s role is not to represent either parent but to provide an impartial assessment, aiding the court in making decisions aligned with the child’s best interests.

2. How to Tell if the Guardian Ad Litem is on Your Side?

Determining whether a Guardian Ad Litem is genuinely advocating for the child or displaying a bias toward a specific party is a crucial aspect. Here are key indicators that may suggest the GAL is aligned with your position:

Observation of Actions: Monitor the GAL’s actions during the investigation. Are they actively seeking information from both sides? Is their approach unbiased, considering all aspects without favoritism?

Communication Transparency: A GAL should maintain clear and open communication with all parties involved. If the GAL keeps you informed about the proceedings and seeks your input, it could indicate their dedication to working in the child’s best interest.

3. Balanced Approach in Evaluation

A Guardian Ad Litem is expected to conduct a comprehensive and fair evaluation. This involves visiting the homes of both parents, interviewing each party, and engaging with individuals in the child’s life, such as teachers or counselors. If the GAL demonstrates a balanced approach to gathering information, listening attentively to both sides without prejudice, it is a positive sign that they are fulfilling their role objectively.

4. Consistency in Recommendations

Following the completion of their investigation, a GAL provides recommendations to the court based on their findings. Consistency in their suggestions with your efforts to create a safe and nurturing environment for the child indicates that the Guardian Ad Litem is advocating for your position in court.

5. Advocate for Child-Centric Solutions

A GAL should prioritize the child’s well-being above all else. Consistently pushing for solutions that prioritize the child’s safety, happiness, and overall welfare indicates that they are ethically fulfilling their role.

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6. Actively Engaged in Court Proceedings

Observing the GAL’s involvement during court hearings is crucial. If they actively participate, offering insights based on their investigation and advocating for the child’s best interests, they are dedicated to their role impartially.

7. Avoidance of Bias or Prejudgment

Remaining neutral and avoiding bias or preconceived notions is imperative for Guardian Ad Litems. The GAL refraining from making assumptions and basing their decisions solely on facts gathered during their investigation indicates their commitment to neutrality.

8. Timely Reporting and Updates

A responsible GAL ensures timely reporting and updates to the court. Consistently meeting deadlines and keeping the court informed about their progress reflects their dedication and commitment to the case.

9. Consideration of the Child’s Wishes

In cases where the child is old enough to express their preferences, a GAL should consider these wishes while making recommendations. If the Guardian Ad Litem acknowledges and considers the child’s desires without dismissing them, it demonstrates a commitment to representing the child’s voice.


Determining whether a Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) is genuinely advocating for your side in legal matters involving a child is a nuanced process. The indicators provided offer valuable insights into the GAL’s commitment to the child’s best interests and impartiality. Clear communication, a balanced and thorough evaluation, consistent recommendations aligned with your efforts, and an unwavering focus on child-centric solutions are crucial factors to consider.

The GAL’s active engagement in court proceedings, avoidance of bias, timely reporting, and consideration of the child’s wishes further contribute to a comprehensive assessment of their dedication and commitment to their role. It is through these key indicators that parties involved can discern whether the Guardian Ad Litem is truly aligned with the pursuit of the child’s welfare in the legal proceedings


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