
Solar Inverters: Everything You Need to Know

Every year solar power technology continues to advance rapidly in market share within the US economy. Many homeowners are making the switch to solar and need to learn the basics of how these complex electrical systems work.

Solar inverters are one of the most critical pieces of solar equipment in a residential solar setup.

In this article, we will walk you through everything you need to know about the role of solar inverters within your solar panel system.

What Is a Solar Inverter?

Essentially, solar inverters help to transfer power from direct current into alternating current. The solar panel generates power in the form of a direct current. This means that electrons that are excited by the sun’s photons get sent toward the power-producing pole of the solar panel in a single direction.

The problem is that many household utilities and common wall sockets use alternating currents. This means that the electrons will move back and forth. By convention, you will need to transfer the energy from the solar panel into an alternating current before using it in your home.

This is where a solar inverter steps in. Solar inverters work to make this transfer safely and efficiently so that you do not lose power during the transfer process.

Do You Need to Have a Solar Inverter for Your Solar Panel System?

The short answer is yes. You won’t be able to save with solar panels that function properly unless you have an inverter. The primary reason for this is convention. It’s also because direct current will not be powerful enough to support the function of common appliances and home circuits.

How Do I Go About Deciding on the Right Solar Inverter for Me?

Ultimately, you want your solar inverter system to be able to be easily installed. You also want it to be efficient and ultimately cost-effective over the long term. Most solar inverters will have a lifespan of up to two decades.

You can find solar inverters that will require minimal maintenance throughout their life. This is every homeowner’s dream because you don’t want to work through the headaches of calling the maintenance company every time you have a power outage to determine or diagnose the problem.

There are several types of solar inverter technologies produced by major companies to help you achieve all of these goals.

The three most common inverter technologies are string inverters, string inverters that have additional power optimizers, and micro-inverters. Your local solar company can help you determine which will be the right fit for your installation and needs.

Understanding Solar Inverters

At the end of the day, solar inverters are an essential component of any solar panel system setup. Whether for the home or the office, these devices help to transform electric current into usable power. They will take the direct current produced by solar panels and invert them into alternating current that can be used to power the home or office.

In the grand scheme of solar equipment, solar inverters are one of the most important to get right for the needs of your local power circuit.

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