
Everything you need to know about localization QA management

The process of determining if a product or service meets consumer expectations is known as quality assurance. Localization QA is the final stage in ensuring that the published localized product can correctly perform its intended function to the end-user is to conduct quality assurance testing. It is carried out before investing in costly manufacturing, duplication, or shipping expenditures to prevent correcting problems that were not spotted. The degree of quality in each phase of the localization process is not confused with QA. Therefore, localization quality assurance ensures that the final product or service sent to a client meets the consumer’s needs and expectations.

The term “localization quality assurance” refers to the use of localization quality assurance tools to ensure localization quality. Localization process flow has become more useful technique to localize data as translation quality management technology advanced. Businesses of all sizes are adopting localization QA Tools – from tiny businesses to colossal enterprise SAAS – to save time and money while assuring accurate translations.

Here is how localization quality assurance management works

  1. Extracting the resource file

The initial process is extracting the file to be translated to begin the localization process flow. Once you extract the file, upload it to the various available and reliable localization systems that support various resource file types. For instance, you may utilize standard XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF) files and other localization file formats to make them suitable for translation in different languages.

  1. Choose a translation technique.

When translating a book, it’s critical to put in the effort to identify suitable translators – ideally, a native language specialist with translation abilities. However, when you use a localization application, you’ll almost certainly be provided an integrated translation source or the opportunity to contact various professionals from an outside translation firm. Your translators will then have access to the source strings. They will be able to read in the system’s operator and successfully translate while staying within the context of the material, either through the site or a direct invitation.

  1. Analyzing and reviewing the translations

Double-check the TQ Checked material for accuracy, language quality assurance, vocabulary, and other technical requirements. The importance of linguistic revision cannot be overstated. As a result, the translators should examine and edit depending on your, the translation administrator’s, or the project manager’s comments. Transifex, for example, offers tailored features for analyzing translations and means for interacting with your translating crew easily and rapidly.

QA management

  1. Copying the translated items into code program

Good translation businesses, as previously said, will allow you to import ready-to-use translated documents into your system. Translated files should be copied into locale codes such as ISO, German, and Russian locale codes. As a result, after the translations are complete, you’ll need to copy the translation documents into the coding phase. The next step is to integrate the translated documents into your project and then publish your new localized app after completing the translation.

  1. Finally, release the translated content.

Your programmers will declare a “string freeze” on the application once you have checked for LQA and ensured that the document has no viruses and is well documented. The string freeze would allow translators to focus on many strings while still allowing enough time for translation and review. Therefore, that means you can’t modify the code that would affect the source strings, save from minor tweaks. You may now have all of the translations for your target languages, integrate them into your project, and publish it.

In conclusion, once you have understood the process of localization quality assurance, then localizing your files into applications will be a straightforward step.

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