As history has demonstrated time and time again, a keen uptake of innovation is vital for anyone wishing to survive and thrive within the entertainment industry. Those who dismissed the adoption of sound into cinema quickly found themselves out of business, while many decades later, those who refused to take seriously the popularity of touch-screen devices quickly found themselves scrambling to stay afloat.
Nowhere is the centrality of innovation more crucial than within the gaming sector. Every day a new technology emerges that promises to enhance the gaming experience, with users loyally following whichever developer or platform embraces these technologies the fastest.
One industry that learned this lesson quicker than most is the online casino industry, which has often caught attention and won praise for its eagerness to adopt new technology before anyone else in the entertainment sector. If you’re wondering how the online casino industry is embracing emerging tech trends, read on to find out.

Algorithmic Entertainment
While other gaming sectors have been slow on the uptake of artificial intelligence methods, the online casino realm has charged ahead. One of the most popular elements of online betting in 2019 is so-called ‘virtual sports’, in which football matches and horse races are simulated using a complex algorithm that takes all of the latest odds into account, whilst also adding some chance as a weight. This allows gamers to bet on completely simulated sports events, all from the comfort of their living room.
Live Streaming Games
While live streaming technology and gaming have long been bedfellows, thanks to the popularity of game streamers on YouTube and Twitch, only the online casino industry has merged the two together into a single experience. With live casino online betting, players can indulge in a round of blackjack or poker with a real-life dealer, beamed onto their screen via a live video uplink. This helps remove the participatory element of live stream gaming, ensuring that the viewer is also an active player.

Cryptocurrency Casino Gaming
There have been some light moves to incorporate the crypto revolution into the video game industry, with the most notable being an online library that allows you to purchase the latest game releases with Bitcoin. However, the online casino sector has taken things a step further, with some platforms allowing players to bet and withdraw a range of cryptocurrencies, from Bitcoin to Ethereum. This means that gamers can get involved in the Bitcoin boom by playing for real crypto via a round of poker or roulette.
VR Gambling
If there is a single technology that is doing the most to alter how we conceive video gaming right now, it’s virtual reality. Big VR players such as Oculus Rift and HTC Vive have been bringing mainstream titles to VR headsets for years now. However, the online casino industry has embraced this technology with greater enthusiasm, rushing to ensure that many of their most popular slots, table, and card games are available as an immersive virtual reality experience. There are now thousands of VR casino games available online, far outstripping the number of console games available for the medium.
So, why is it that the online casino sector seems to be quicker on the uptake? Are online casino companies simply more innovative? Perhaps they are just naturally less scared of taking business risks? Whatever it is, it’s clear that the rest of the industry can learn something from casinos.