Running a growing business can be a very challenging experience. As your business starts to pick up steam, you have to figure out a way to stay on this upward trajectory. Informing as many consumers as you can about your products and services is crucial when trying to achieve your goals. This is why an effective marketing strategy is crucial to your company’s overall success.
A recent survey found that an effective content marketing strategy generates three times the leads as a paid search campaign. This is why you need to focus more on methods of attracting organic traffic. If you are in the process of trying to develop a winning marketing strategy for 2020, be sure to consider the following tips.
Blogging Can Help You Generate Lots of Traffic
The modern consumer is always on the hunt for information about the products and services they use. Providing them with plenty of useful information is vital when trying to get them on your website and interested in what you have to offer. Not only will you need to focus on populating your own website with industry-specific content, but you also need to figure out a way to get guest blogs published on other sites. Doing this will help you position yourself as an industry leader and get backlinks to your website.
Developing a comprehensive internal linking and backlinking strategy is vital if you want to get the attention of major search engines like Google. The bots that crawl your website for Google look at these links as indicators that your website is both reputable and informative. If you are unsure about how to get these coveted backlinks, then working with professionals is a must. For more information about advanced link building strategies, be sure to read my review here.
Auditing Your Website Can Be Helpful
Investing in new marketing campaigns will only take you so far when trying to turn website visitors into actual customers. If your existing website is slow or has an outdated design, it can drive potential customers away. Avoiding this problem is easy when performing a routine website audit. By thoroughly inspecting your website, you can get a feel for what needs to be changed.
One of the first things you need to consider when auditing your website is how quickly it loads. Modern consumers will leave a website in a hurry if it takes forever to load. If your website is experiencing this problem, then you need to figure out why. Usually, large file sizes or viruses can prohibit your website from loading quickly. Allowing a web development professional to diagnose and fix this problem can save you a lot of time and stress.
You also need to make sure your website is mobile-friendly. An overwhelming number of consumers access the Internet with phones and other mobile devices on a daily basis. If your website is not optimized for these users, it will lead to a lot of potential sales leads being lost. The time and energy you invest in finding and fixing problems with your website will be worth it in the long run.
Using the Power of Email Marketing
If you want to take your business marketing efforts to the next level this year, then using email to inform and engage with consumers is a good idea. On average, this type of marketing provides business owners with a 3800 percent return on their investment. The key to having success with an email marketing campaign is personalization. Instead of sending out the same email to every address you have in your possession, you need to segment your audience. You can do this by looking at the purchase history of your customers. With this information, you can avoid sending out emails about products or services a consumer has no interest in.
You also need to be consistent with your email marketing efforts. Sending out a monthly newsletter is essential when trying to keep your brand and messaging fresh in the minds of consumers. If you don’t have the time or skill to develop these newsletters on a monthly basis, hiring a content marketing firm to help you out is wise.

Social Media Ads are a Great Way to Generate Leads
Another great tool you can use to take your marketing efforts to the next level in 2020 is social media ads. Social media platforms like Facebook allow business owners to target their ads. This means you get to pick who gets to see the advertisements you develop. You can narrow down your target audience based on things like their age, educational background and location. When used correctly, this type of marketing is a great way to create tons of high-quality leads.
The Time is Now
If 2019 wasn’t a great year for your business, you need to work hard to make 2020 the year of growth. The only way to accomplish this goal is by getting serious about marketing your products/services to consumers.