
What are the organizational advantages of cloud adoption in 2021?

The pandemic has boosted the momentum of digital transformation where cloud computing plays a vital role for the organization. With the new normal working models distant and remote work adoptions, organizations had to embrace cloud-based communication, collaboration, and connectivity systems. For many organizations, the new normal working model has become a helping hand for the reduction of productivity loss.

Highly tech-supported, functioning and cost-effective cloud technology are progressively subsidizing as the best business data storage solution. The number of benefits using cloud computing is increasing with the updation in clod technology, i.e., increment in data security, automation updates in software, server space negligence, and much more.

The above description might have been a little technical if you are not aware of cloud computing so let’s start with the basics,

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is ordinarily remitted as an on-demand computing resource provided as a service by leading tech-innovation companies across pay-as-you-go estimation. It employs servers and avails support to demanding high-tech solutions remotely to users through internet connectivity. In other words, you can simply consider it as your own personal and secure system having a private room full of computers with customized functionalities according to your requirements. With its budget-friendly nature, you are supposed to just pay for the necessary speed and storage as needed.

There are three major types of cloud computing services in the organization:

  1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  3. Software as a Service (SaaS)

#1 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):

IaaS is a tenant model where cloud-supported server and storage infrastructures are rented and remitted on-demand by a technology service provider. Such a service saves the IT department’s time and budget of building their own in-house data center or servers.

#2 Platform as a Service (PaaS):

PaaS is a temporary model where developers utilize the capabilities of a cloud platform for software creation online. Such service supports with high speed to developers for applications designing with no complexity and software/infrastructure maintenance.

#3 Software as a Service (SaaS):

SaaS is a software distribution model provided by a technology services provider and delivers it remotely online. Such SaaS applications run online on a browser without any requirement of installations.

Advantages of Cloud Computing

Not just the pandemic, but there are many reasons behind such augmentation of technological transformation and cloud adoption. Here are a few of them as highlights of cloud computing for organizations:

#1 Data Security:

With growing technological advancements and cloud adoptions, security of data has become a big concern for organizations, it is now seen as an essential point of the cloud-computing solution, and the advantages of cloud computing from a security vision are,

  • Globally recognized high-end technology
  • Complex Security Protocols
  • Prevention from Cybercrime
  • Prevention from Data Loss
  • Control over Sensitive Data
  • No backup strategy Requirements

#2 Scalability:

The Pay-as-you-go cloud computing system allows organizations to pay only for the info-storage space they use and the features they demand. With the business’s growth, cloud technology permits them to scale their solution computations after analyzing the requirements. Nowadays, it is easy, fast, and less investment demanding technology to add or remove data space storage facilities flexibly.

#3 Improved Productivity and Flexibility:

Not just the organization level, cloud computing also gives support on operational capability increments via high-tech infrastructures availability. It also lets employees access the same data simultaneously from different devices and locations for better internal collaboration and easy business information sharing capability—professional value cloud technologies highest than ever now.

#4 Cost Efficiency:

Cloud computing is worth investing in as it helps organizations saving money, time, and resources in multiple ways:

  • Costs Lower for Infrastructure
  • Less Downtime
  • Faster Implementation
  • Organizations are charged for services and features they require
  • Possible to fluctuate the storage capacity depending on the business situation

#5 Reduced Carbon Footprint

The cloud eliminates more essential requirements of on-premises computing systems and servers demanding 24×7 electricity.


Cloud adoption is a proven beneficial approach for organizations in 2021 due to Cost-effectiveness, security, scalability, and reliability. Opting to migrate your data on the cloud makes sense from the increase in operational performance and strategic vision. Specifically, the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed many businesses to work remotely.
