
When is the next split of the Bitcoins taking place?

The previous splitting of Bitcoin took place on May 11, 2020, and analysts have hypothesized that Bitcoin’s next halving will occur in 2024. For all our readers that have no clue about what this splitting or halving is or what it means for traders and miners, we will be explaining everything you need to know.

It is not as scary as it sounds. The splitting is actually the most awaited event in the business world. These bitcoins are added to the pile slowly at a rate of one Bitcoin every ten minutes. 18.6 million Bitcoins have already been mined and just 2.36 million have left to be added into circulation. In 2020, the number of Bitcoins that entered the circulation every 10 minutes was dropped by half i.e from 12.5 to 6.25. Before May 2020, this has happened twice and mostly it happens every 4 years.

Why is splitting important?

Why does splitting of Bitcoin and other possible riches bring attention from traders all over the world? Because as explained earlier, certain bitcoins are added into circulation every 10 minutes. When the amount of supply entering the system is decreased by half but the demand stays or let us say it’s even increased, the price of cryptocurrency will drive up like crazy. Based on this,several bitcoin price predictions have been made for 2024 and how will the market respond to this rise.

If there is less bitcoin available to buy and miners have less to sell, it means the available bitcoin would be sold at a super high price. This process of splitting will end when the total of 21 million will get into circulation, probably by the year 2140.

Who chose the Bitcoin distribution schedule? Why?

Pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoyo vanished around a year after releasing the software into the world. But there is no special formula as to how the Bitcoin is supposed to be distributed. He said during the early phase- “Coins have to get initially distributed somehow, and a constant rate seems like the best formula.”

Monetary policy of such currencies have been set in stone. Changing it would require immense output if coordination between the community of Bitcoin users.

Splitting of bitcoin is a significant event for traders and most people have to believe that it will cause a rapid price hike. It would cause the competition to become more cut-throat.

Bitcoin Prime

Well if you decided to step into the game, Bitcoin Prime is the perfect platform for it. It helps you make excellent business trading decisions. Creating an account on the official website of Bitcoin Prime login grants you access to blissful trading in the world of cryptocurrencies.

This software is especially designed to help the traders access the financial market and do trading of assets effectively. It is 100% free and no fees or commission is required to join the platform. When compared to other trading apps like this, what makes it unique is its advanced algorithm that scans all the global financial markets by collecting historical price data, other risk parameters to predict future prices of said currencies. Despite some risks, the performance of the app has allowed traders with an intuitive tool. All these features allow you to trade with accuracy and high probability of success.


We would recommend you to buy off as much as you can, because the splitting takes place, because the price is gonna go sky high. When you sell your bitcoin after the 2024 or 2028 split, you can bring in huge rewards.

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