
Reliability of Choosing a Peppol Access Point for E-invoicing

PEPPOL is a global network of recognized organizations and authorities that may share electronic documents by communicating and collaborating. Simple, quick, and secure, as required by EU Directive 2014/55/EU.

PEPPOL streamlines the procurement process by utilizing open standards to make things easier.

In 2008, the European Union began a pilot project called Pan-European Public Procurement Online. Software and service solutions that work with or instead of the older, analog technologies have been created in addition to the network. You now have access to these answers.

This makes it easier to create new marketplaces. Not only the European Union, the other countries across the globe have started to see the importance of using Peppol service.

To join with the networks and reap the benefits of e-invoicing, you will need to get a Peppol ID from a trustworthy peppol access point provider.

Peppol Access Point Manages the Secure Exchange of Data


Connecting to the Peppol network, which allows for e-invoicing solutions, is the initial stage in setting up electronic invoicing. To get electronic invoicing, you must join the Peppol network.

You must prepare, plan, and start using electronic invoicing with your business partners to get the most out of it.

You may use a variety of techniques to connect to Peppol and establish an account, either:

  • Existing ERP software
  • A solid electronic e-invoicing software provider
  • Online e-invoicing system

Consult a reputable business professional if you need help getting started with electronic billing.

What to Consider When Choosing an Access Point


Some providers appear to be prepared, while others appear to be not. Others have joined PEPPOL but have not gone above and above to meet GS1 standards.

The businesses and entities under growing pressure to find an access point provider. Before joining the network, vendors and NHS trusts must first choose an access point provider. Consider the following considerations when choosing a service provider:

Look at their track records

There aren’t many EDI businesses that also sell access points. These firms contribute to making e-procurement easier because they see peppol e-invoicing as a key strength.


Their expertise and reputation

If you’re looking for an access point supplier, be sure they’ve been associated in PEPPOL from the start. Here are a few companies that provide demos.

Use a universal access point to connect to your accounting and e-procurement systems, which can be scaled up or down to meet any system.

If a PEPPOL access point fails, data cannot be transferred or received. To avoid this, ensure sure the seller of the access point has a good reputation. When did the company begin? What are their plans to deal with natural disasters? How is customer service currently performing?

Or, you could save your time by reaching out to Tickstar right now to help you with the Peppol Id.

Sensible costs

If you get your access points from a reputable vendor, your network may be peppol invoice-compliant for a little fee. Examine their data transformation maps, connections, and live deployment help.

There are numerous ways to pay for document sharing based on the number of documents you send until you go live with a service that has been in operation for a long time. You should pay once a year by direct debit or in advance if you have the opportunity. Always consider both one-time and continuing expenditures.

You can choose a price plan more easily if you know how many eDocuments you send and get each year. Discuss with the representative of the Tickstar so that you will get the best estimation for the project.

Peppol certified

Make sure that the access point service providers have been approved by Peppol.

Peppol service providers in your country must be able to adhere to stringent security, due diligence, and testing requirements.

Connection options

A variety of approaches may be used by business software to transmit eInvoices and eDocuments to your access point.

  • What kind of connection do you have?
  • Using software to connect to a router (existing or new)
  • A collection of rules for starting a relationship (such as AS4, SFTP and API).

Consult with your business and technical teams to decide the appropriate next steps (note: access points must use AS4 to transmit between one another)

Access points should be updated to meet your company’s needs. Or perhaps, your country’s government has specifics requirement for practicing the e-invoices. You could discuss this with the professionals in Tickstar.

Service offering

The most essential access point functions send and receive. But what are e-invoicing service providers offers? You will want to assess their offers first before starting to work with them.

Service levels

Make sure your organization has enough support hours, system access, and communication channels. In Australia, government-approved access points must be functioning 99.5 percent of the time.

International capabilities

If you require both commercial and technical help from outside of Australia, be sure the access point you choose is capable of meeting all of your global e-invoicing process business needs.

Security and compliance

You must ensure that the access point you use complies with your company’s security regulations. The way by which your organization connects to the access point and acquires electronic documents is one example.

The use of an access point should not be used to substitute the security procedures and policies in place at your company. Consider the threats that your firm faces and the safeguards you’ve put in place.

Capability and experience

Take into account the technical team’s level of expertise in the process of sharing digital documents, as well as whether or not they use manual or automated techniques.

Peppol access points are the future?

In recent years, the abbreviation PEPPOL, which stands for “Pan-European Public Procurement On-Line,” has grown in importance.

Peppol network is growing in relevance as enterprises all over the world, particularly in Europe, become more reliant on e invoicing services.

It appears that electronic invoice sending is progressively becoming a legal requirement over the world.  E-invoicing has also been adopted by a number of organizations in anticipation of the demand for remote work that Covid-19 will establish in 2020. Because of the widespread use of electronic invoicing, people are less likely to interact with one another, which has ramifications for things like the transmission of disease.

Furthermore, the multiple benefits of electronic invoicing, such as time, money, and resources saved, show that PEPPOL’s importance is growing.

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