
How To Access Deleted Posts And Comments On Reddit?

Are you a Reddit user who always ends up at Reddit posts to find solutions to common problems? The worst part about Reddit is that whenever someone clicks a link on it, many times it shows an error saying that the post has moved or been removed. Before we dive into the topic, let us know what Reddit is and how to view deleted Reddit posts & deleted Reddit comments.

Reddit deleted comments and Reddit deleted posts

Reddit is full of valuable information, from the latest tips to hidden gems. However, sometimes a post or comment with useful details gets deleted, leaving users frustrated when they can’t find what they were searching for. These deleted Reddit comments and deleted Reddit posts can be removed for various reasons, like being flagged as irrelevant or spam by the platform’s bots or being deemed inappropriate by subreddit moderators.

The sheer number of users on Reddit means that moderators can’t manually handle every post or comment, so the platform uses bots to help. While this system makes moderation easier, it can be frustrating for users when helpful content disappears. But don’t worry—this article will show you how to access those deleted Reddit posts and comments so you don’t miss out on valuable information.

Disclaimer: “The reddit team may remove these features to restrict the audience’s access to them, so stay tuned. Our Techlogitic team will surely add the newest methods.”

Methods to access deleted Reddit Posts and Comments

To make it happen, our team went down the line and found some really cool ways to access the data. Testing is the key. If one method doesn’t work, try another.

#1 Using the Ceddit feature to read deleted Reddit comments

This can help you to access all the comments of any post only if the post is still live and working. Ceddit is a simple client of Reddit that allows users to use Reddit on its interface using its custom design and User Interface.
deleted reddit posts - Ceddit feature

The best feature about the Ceddit is that whenever it comes across a deleted comment, it simply highlights it with a red link and allows the user to identify the difference between a normal and a deleted comment. Just follow the steps below.

  • To make it work, edit the URL.
  • Remove the “R” of Reddit and switch it with a “C” of Ceddit.

If the URL was

It should now be

It will help attain most of the comments.

#2 Using Removeddit to access Deleted Posts on Reddit

Moving on to the next one, Removeddit allows you to see deleted Reddit posts. To get started with this one, follow the steps below. There are two ways to find deleted Reddit posts by user. This is similar to the Ceddit method for seeing deleted Reddit posts.

Using Removeddit to access Deleted Posts on Reddit

  • The first one is by visiting the Removeddit webpage and searching for the post which is to be found.
  • Another method is interchanging the Reddit with Removeddit on the main URL on the address.

If the URL was

It should now be

Still not sure, move to the next method.

#3 Using WaybackMachine to access both the Deleted Reddit Posts and Comments

Another great alternative to finding the Deleted Posts and Comments is by using the WaybackMachine. It is an internet archiving service that caches and stores the web pages in real-time into the database. It is very useful for future generations to look back on what the internet was looked like in history like how to view deleted Reddit posts and read deleted Reddit comments.

Using WaybackMachine to access both the Deleted Posts and Comments on Reddit

This is a very amazing tool that allows you to get access to all the deleted Posts and Comments. Follow the method provided below

  • Get to the WaybackMachine website by clicking here.
  • Copy the Reddit Post link and paste it into the Wayback site.
  • A Calendar will appear with an option of deleted (# of) Days ago.
  • Fill in the correct information to access the information.

Another feature is that it allows you to see all the changes made before deleting the post. 

#4 Using Resavr to Read Deleted Comments on Reddit

Resavr is another amazing tool for accessing all the deleted Comments on the Reddit platform. It mainly focuses on comments with more than 650 characters, including spaces.Using Resavr to Read Deleted Comments on Reddit

As said by a spokesperson, the website stores them because any basic and useful information is more than 650 characters long.

Let us understand how to use this website by following the keywords from down below

  • Visit the Resavr website by clicking here.
  • In the search box, put the title of the deleted post and find the post.
  • Additionally, you will be able to see the Date of release of the post, the time period when it was live.

This can be very handy while using WaybackMachine.

#5 Unreddit – Bonus Method

Our team decided to add an extra method if the above steps do not help you read deleted Reddit posts. Unreddit is a Chrome extension that can also help you see deleted Reddit posts or comments. To install, simply go to the Google Chrome extension store and search Unreddit in the store itself. If you are lazy, you can click here to go to the extension page.


Click on the “Add to Chrome” button in order to install the extension. Once done, go to any subreddit and open the post. Click on the extension and you can see the deleted Reddit comments and posts. The pros are it works with the old and new versions of Reddit. However, the con of the extension is it does not work with non-English versions of the platform.

Note – You can simply read the deleted Reddit posts or comments you can not recover.


Each subreddit on Reddit has an automatic bot. When the bot feels the comments or posts are spammy it deletes it without any warning. However, one can restore their comment or post by asking the moderators to lift the ban. The user can see their deleted Reddit posts or comments when accessing the deleted posts from their profile. It can be visible to only them and to the world, it will only show as the comment was deleted or the post was deleted. So, this was our hack to gain access to Deleted Reddit Posts and see removed Reddit Comments.

Still cannot access your Reddit Post? Comment below. Our team might be able to help you access Deleted Reddit posts and comments.
