
How to Find Companies Accepting Cryptocurrency While Travelling?

When you travel abroad, you will probably search for ways to spend your BTC or other cryptocurrencies. However, this can be challenging in some countries. BitcoinWide offers companies accepting crypto in their locations the opportunity to list themselves on the website. Hence, travelers know where they will exchange BTC and other cryptocurrencies into local currency or purchase goods with BTC.

The site also lists contact information and directions when available, which is helpful if you need help finding these businesses. This article answers the question of how to find companies accepting cryptocurrency while traveling.

Travel agencies accepting cryptocurrency as payment

You can easily find travel agencies accepting cryptocurrency as payment while traveling. Travel Hub Iran, Crypto Cruise Deals, Innova Adventure Travel, and Eco Wellness & Travel are some of the major travel agencies accepting crypto as payment listed on BitcoinWide.

If you’re visiting a country where BTC is still not well known, just visit the BitcoinWide Platform and search for agencies and businesses accepting crypto in your destination.


The first way to go around this problem is to search for BTC ATMs in your destination. At the moment, BTC ATMs are not widespread worldwide, but you can’t fail to find one in your destination.

BTC ATMs are automated kiosks that allow you to buy Bitcoin using fiat money or a debit card. Some of them have bi-directional functionality allowing both the purchase of crypto and the sale of crypto for fiat. BTC ATMs save a lot of time and extra effort, not to mention that BTC itself is a way more anonymous payment method than cash or credit card.

A BTC ATM doesn’t require much technical knowledge from your side – you only need to find a BTC ATM in your area and use it either to buy BTC in advance or exchange BTC to cash. BTC ATM charges are around 5% for BTC-purchasing and 3% for BTC-exchanging, as well as small service fees (usually it’s 1%).

Gift Cards

The second solution is looking for gift cards that you can purchase with Bitcoins or any other digital currency. A gift card is also referred to as a voucher or gift certificate. Basically, it is a prepaid card with a store-of-value issued and managed by a business brand.

A gift card is generally an alternative to fiat money for buying goods or paying for services from a given store. For instance, if you have a $2000 Amazon gift card, you can purchase up to $2000 worth of goods from Amazon by redeeming it instead of paying with your credit card.

Bitcoin travelers can use Bitcoin to buy gift cards for services or goods they plan to purchase. Numerous online stores, like Japan Gift Card, Coinsbee, Giftcards by Bidali, CGift, and Bitcoin Gift Cards, allow crypto users to acquire their gift cards with cryptocurrency. Bitcoin gift cards are a great way of spending crypto since they enable travelers to spend their digital assets on goods and services from businesses that do not accept Bitcoin payments directly.

About BitcoinWide

BitcoinWide is the world’s first international directory of BTC ATMs, travel agencies accepting cryptocurrency, BTC gift card vendors, and any business that accepts crypto as a form of payment. The map-filled platform provides travelers with easy access to information about spending their Bitcoins while abroad.

Do you own a BTC ATM? Are you a gift card vendor or agency accepting cryptocurrency payments? BitcoinWide gives your business a chance to reach millions of crypto travelers globally. Submit your business information today to have it listed on BitcoinWide and pose a strong competitive edge globally.

The platform supports manual moderation for all submissions, so it’s guaranteed that everything about your company is up-to-date and accurate – no one wants any surprises when they’re looking at potentially purchasing from someone new.


BitcoinWide is changing the way people travel, and it’s time to get in on the action. Whether you want to know where you can find BTC ATMs, travel agencies that accept cryptocurrency, or gift card vendors who will happily take your crypto as a form of payment, BitcoinWide has got you covered. Check out BitcoinWide site today for all the information about what businesses accept cryptocurrencies near your destination.


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