
How to Use Social Media for Events Promotion?

Mason Cooley said, “An event is not over until everyone is tired of talking about it.”

  • But how do you make people talk about your event?
  • How will you make them book tickets for your event?
  • What will you do to grab their interest?

You must answer many questions to make your next event a success.

There are many ways to make more people talk about your event, but the most well-known is to promote your event on social media.

Social media has provided a quick and engaging platform to create buzz around your event. Nearly half a quarter of all event traffic comes from social channels like FaceBook, Instagram, etc.

When you’re looking to transform your event from overlooked to overbooked you need to try with different social media for events promotion strategy. If you want to do so, this blog post is only for you. This post will guide you on which social media platform to use, content type to use, and more.

What is Social Media Events Promotion?

The process of using known social channels for promoting your events is known as social media events promotion. For example, you can use Facebook to promote your educational or music event to grab more attention from people.

Why Use Social Media for Event Promotion?

There are more than 5 billion social media users worldwide, which is around 62% of the world’s population. With billions of social media users, it provides event organizers with a great opportunity to reach their targeted audience.

number of internet and socia media users
Source: (Statista)

Social media event promotion helps you target specific interests and demographics, ensuring you target the audience at the right time.

You can share event teasers, updates, and behind-the-scenes content on social platforms to create buzz about the same.

“People make events into stories. 📚👀💬 Stories give events meaning,” says, Scarlett Thomas

Engaging the audience with social media posts helps you build anticipation and excitement, resulting in increasing attendance. It’s expensive to go with traditional marketing methods like snail-mail advertising and paid marketing.

Compared to other traditional methods, social media provides you with a cost-effective way for event promotion. Using organic reach and targeted advertising can provide you with better results than you have ever imagined.

Which Social Media Platform is Right for Event Promotion?

It’s said by Leonard Bernstein that, to achieve great things, two things are needed:

  • A plan, and
  • Quite enough time.

You need to plan which platform to use and what time to achieve great results. It becomes essential for you to choose the right social platform.

Making the right choice is just like selecting the venue for your party. Each social media platform has its unique audience, tools, and more helping you promote your event efficiently. Let’s explore a few of the social media channels that you can consider choosing to promote your event.


Jason Alan Snyder says “It’s not about the event itself; it’s about creating a memorable experience for your audience.”

Facebook, one of the most used platforms, is best to promote your event effectively. With more than 3 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides event organizers with the opportunity to reach a wider audience.

number of monthly active facebook users
Source: (Statista)

Facebook users spend around 33 minutes on the social network regularly. You can opt for below Facebook marketing tips below to effectively promote your event, these include:

  • Build an event page
  • Draw attention
  • Expand your reach
  • Leverage Facebook advertising
  • Go live
  • Engage with the crowd

Facebook is perfect for reaching a broader audience with different content types. Create your event page, targeted ads, and more to pinpoint your ideal audience.


Jason Fried stated that “working without a plan may seem scary. But blindly following a plan that has no relationship with reality is even scarier.”

You can create a relationship with your audience on Instagram which is the second largest social network when it comes to its usage. Statista report shows that by 2024, Instagram will have 1.44 billion monthly active users, which accounts for 31% of total internet users globally.

number of instagram users
Source: (Statista)

Considering the below tips can help you to make better use of this social media platform, these include:

  • Use Instagram Reels
  • Make perfect use of Instagram Stories
  • Collaborate with influencers and partners
  • Make use of event-specific hashtags
  • Engage with your audience
  • Share teasers, highlights, and exclusive content from your event on Instagram
  • Turn to Instagram Live for real-time engagement

Instagram is great for sharing behind-the-scenes stories and images as its algorithm favors high engagement.

X (Twitter)

Twitter is a great option for promoting real-time updates and news about your hosted event. Using Twitter communities and hashtags helps to create buzz and keep your audience hooked. Promoting an event can be effective due to wide reach and real-time engagement. Following are a few Twitter event promotion tips, these include:

  • Create a Unique Hashtag
  • Optimize Your Profile
  • Engage with Influencers
  • Tweet Regularly
  • Pin a Tweet
  • Use Twitter Ads
  • Engage with Your Audience
  • Collaborate with Partners and Sponsors
  • Share User-Generated Content
  • Live Tweet During the Event
  • Post-Event Engagement
  • Track Analytics

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively promote your event on Twitter and engage with a wider audience.


LinkedIn provides you with a great community to create relationships which is required for your next hosted event.

Mark Kilens said “Events are this really special magical thing that can create bonds between people, brands, and communities. It’s a great option for those brands looking to promote events around professional functions and areas.”

With 171.9 million LinkedIn users worldwide, LinkedIn is the best platform to build viewership and interest for your hosted event. You can opt for the following tips to promote your event, these include:

  • Create an engaging event page
  • Leverage LinkedIn Groups
  • Use LinkedIn Pulse
  • Engage with your network
  • Encourage speakers and partners to share
  • Collaborate with influencers
  • Use LinkedIn Ads

There are various ways to use LinkedIn to promote your event and make more people book a ticket for the event.


The second largest search engine on the Internet, YouTube is the right option to use. You can use this search engine while organizing educational or other kinds of events.

Promoting an event on YouTube can be incredibly effective due to its visual nature and vast user base. Here are some tips to help you successfully promote your event on YouTube:

  • Create Teaser Videos
  • Optimize Video Titles and Descriptions
  • Use Keywords and Tags
  • Create a Dedicated Playlist
  • Collaborate with Influencers
  • Share Behind-the-Scenes Content
  • Go Live
  • Create Engaging Thumbnails
  • Encourage User-Generated Content
  • Promote Your Videos on Other Platforms
  • Use YouTube Ads
  • Engage with Your Audience
  • Post-Event Content
  • Analyze Performance

By leveraging these strategies, you can effectively promote your event on YouTube and engage with a broader audience.


With more than 1 billion monthly active users globally, TikTok is a powerhouse for promoting your event. Be it before, after, or ongoing event promotion, you can use this social platform in the following ways:

  • Create engaging content
  • Use hashtags
  • Collaborate with influencers
  • Participate in challenges
  • Engage with the TikTok community
  • Cross-promote on other platforms
  • Analyze and optimize

Implement the above tips to use the platform and maximize event attendance, target more audiences, and generate excitement. Ensure to be creative and consistent to make your hosted event successful.

How to Use Social Media for Events Promotion?

“It’s one thing to plan an event and do it well, but in this age, you also have to learn to market it well.” – Gianna Gaudini

When it comes to marketing or promoting your event, social media plays a pivotal role.

Defining your targeted audience is essential when it comes to social media event promotion. It helps you create tailored content, helping you to create a personalized experience for attendees. The below-listed tips can also help you to get the most out of your social media promotion.

Create Engaging Promotional Materials

Ensure to create tailor-made promotional materials for every social media platform including Facebook, Instagram, and more. You can use high-quality images, graphics, and more to promote your event.

Building Anticipation

Social media provides a platform to build anticipation and excitement leading up to your event hosted through PHP ticket system open-source or an app like Eventbrite. By regularly sharing updates, behind-the-scenes content, and teasers, you can create buzz and keep your audience engaged. Countdown posts, interactive polls, and exclusive previews can all contribute to heightened anticipation.


Trendy event hashtags are a powerful option for promoting your event. Create a memorable hashtag that shows the purpose of your event and encourages attendees to use it when talking about your event on social networks.

For example:

#MusicMania2024 – for a music festival
#FoodieFest2024 – for a food festival
#ArtExpo2024 – for an art exhibition
#FashionForward2024 – for a fashion show
#SportsFest2024 – for a sports event
#EduCon2024 – for an educational conference

A combo of general trendy hashtags can maximize your event’s reach and social media engagement.

Take the Help of Influencers

To promote your event, partner with influencers specializing in your event area. Find influencers who align with your targeted audience and event’s theme, helping event organizers reach a wider audience.

Run Contests and Giveaways

Looking for an effective way to create engagement on social media?

Running contests and giveaways is the best option to do so.

Offer exclusive merchandise, free tickets, and other prizes to make people talk about your event.

Respond to Messages & Comments Promptly

Make sure to track social media pages and answer attendance messages. Respond positively and address any concerns your attendees have. Build a sense of community for your event by engaging in conversation and fostering discussions.

Encourage User-generated Content

Motivate your attendees to share their experiences on social media by using your event’s unique hashtag. This not only boosts engagement but also helps to spread the word about your event. You can encourage user-generated content by:

  • Hosting a photo or video contest with prizes for the best content.
  • Sharing user-generated content on your event’s official social media pages.
  • Featuring attendee posts in real-time during the event on screens or live feeds.
  • Creating a dedicated social media wall that displays live updates and posts from attendees using your hashtag.
  • Highlighting and thanking users who create and share content, makes them feel valued and more likely to participate.

By actively promoting and sharing content created by attendees, you create a sense of community and involvement, enhancing the overall event experience.

Mastering Social Media Event Marketing Art!

Social media for event promotion is a powerful way to make more people talk about your hosted event. You can leverage the power of social platforms including Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and more. The wider audience base of the platform provides you with better results and makes your event overlooked to overbooked.

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