How To

Top 5 Resources for Self-Study Java

Java is a programming language with English-based commands that is easily learned and written by programmers. Like any other language, Java has its rules and conventions that are called syntax. A lot of students choose Java as their major in computer science and then code in Java when start working in IT. Here are top fourreasons why many people choose this language:

  1. Usability – Java basics originated from C++ that is much more complicated in syntax. Java-enhanced some functions of C++ and became one of the clearest languages to study and write in.
  2. Object-Oriented Coding – Java is designed to represent the real world by making use of objects. TomasterJava,
  3. Safety – Java is one of the securest languages to develop mobile apps.
  4. Environment Independence – Programmers can develop software regardless of the computer they are working on. The code is portable and does not depend on the operating system in which it is written.

Steve at his programming.

If you are currently learning to code, no matter at a college or home, you should definitely know about all ways possible to self-study Java. There are a lot of free tutorials and guidelines on the Internet that can help you find useful information. If you are assigned to develop some sample programs in Java at college, there are a lot of services like they can do your assignment. If you are a qualified developer, you may see fit to upgrade your skills by taking exams on sites offering Python, Java, and Javascript certification online.

Are you a type of person who can easily devour a great number of e-books, pdfs, web resources, take courses online? Then these five resources will be the right place for you.

#1 Udemy Courses is a well-known resource offering 55,000 online courses for people from all over the globe. To start working with the website you need to enter the name of the course you are looking for.

As you see in the picture above, we have got several searching results that are relevant to Java programming.You may choose any of them, look through and pick up the one that fits your level of expertise. Let’s choose the one that is for complete beginners. And here is a great list of offers. The list may be sorted and filtered that is very convenient for those who require selecting the course by their level, topic, language, and price. By sorting the list you can see the training with the highest rate, most reviewed, or newest. We have filtered the price and got 21 free courses and 365 paid. The lowest price and what is funny – the highest prices are the same – $12,and that is affordable. Almost all are in English,but there are a few available in German, Chinese, French, Turkish, etc.

Each course from the list has its rate, number of hours, level. Once you have opened the course’s page, you will see a brief information on what you will learn, what the requirements are, description. You will also be able to compare the chosen class with the other offers in the bottom of the page as well as to read a short bio about the instructor and some feedbacks provided by the users and students. To enroll, you need just click on the enroll button and fill in the details (your name and email).

We have chosen core concepts course where it was recommended to possess some skills of C programming. It was designed for beginners and no prior experience needed. The classes included 9-hour videos, some articles, and additional resources. Would cheer up to know that it offers a certificate of completion.

#2 Book “Java: A Beginner’s Guide”

There is a bunch of paper and e-books to plunge into Java training.You can consider choosing the one that is found to be a perfect guide for beginners written by Herbert Schildt.

You may purchase it on Amazon at $18 Kindle and $19 paperback. You can easily download a pdf version for free on some websites. The author explains the basics of coding: how to build, compile, and finally run the program. The book is created for clear studying, the chapters are neatly-built so that you will fastly find the required information. To solidify your knowledge, you will be asked to pass specific quizzes in the end-of-chapter.

#3 Codecademy

You can learn Java onlineat To start the course, you will have to create an account. Once you have signed up, you will be connected to interactive lessons that combine theory and practice in one dashboard. Seven projects and 4 quizzes are available for free. If you want to get some supplement lessons, you will need to upgrade your account. The pro account allows users get access to all projects available in the catalog. The cost is $19,90. This resource is quite helpful as it has a huge community that discusses the issues instantly on official forums. You will be able to view the discussions, ask for assistance, share your experience and knowledge with other users.


#4 Future Learn

Futurelearn, another powerful source for self-study is currently offering two courses related to Java coding. The first one is developed for users who want to learn Javato create a mobile game that could be run on Android or computer. The course is free. With a rapidly growing number of mobile apps developing games is number one trend within the programmers.

By enrolling the course for beginners, you will be able to build your own mobile game in Java using the code provided by the instructors. The program of the course is available online. It contains the topics you will study for five weeks. By the end of classes, you will know how to compile an app and run it on your device, modify the code, and build the simplest Java programs for phones.

Futurelearn provides you with the requirements to the tools or software you will need to take the course. Also, you will get acquainted with people who will teach you to code.

The second course that is offered by the platform is related to Big Data management with R coding and Hadoop that is a Java-based framework for development. The course is tailored for expertized developers who work for Big Data projects.

#5 Codementor

Codementor resource is not ajava online course. It offers instead to find a mentor or a freelancer for your project. The great thing about it is that the community page recommends a pile of resources you can use to self-study. Here you may find the links to different types of documentation, tips and tricks, tutorials, and some courses that may help you dig out the most interesting things about the programming language. For example, the tips and tricks chapter offers to visit Java Code Geeks where you can read lots of useful posts that will be relevant for programmers of different levels of expertise.



The site offers you to find a mentor. All you need to do is click on the Find a Mentor button and choose your coding language. Once done, you will be able to view the profiles of mentors. Every profile contains information about the mentors’ expertise, number of his/her followers and completed jobs. There are also some short descriptions of the qualifications written by the mentor and a certain number of feedbacks given by the customers. On the profile page, you can send a personal message to a mentor. Mentor’s services are free first 15 minutes,and then you will have to pay some money depending on the rates set by instructors. An average rate is $10 per 15 minutes. Read feedbacks and ask other users if it is worth it to pay or ask for recommendations to find a real professional.

This resource could come in handy for newbies as well as for specialists because you can contact your colleagues and ask them for help if you have any technical issues with your programs. Those who are looking to outsource their projects to a freelancer can find here a great list of people available.

What Are Other Ways to Study Programming?

Don’t feel like studying Java online or reading books? You can find a mentor or ask any of your friends and colleagues who have a strong command of this popular language. It is a perfect way to learn to code as you can always ask your friend questions and monitor your results.

The Scheme Programming Bee

Another method is to study coding at college if you are to enter the one. Before choosing computer science as your future job, think carefully if you will be able to handle all technicals tasks set before you. Coding is a challenging activity that sometimes requires great efforts to solve the emerging issues or fix the bugs.

Read books and other professional literature but bear in mind that the technologies are changing fast and you have to stay on top of innovations and trends.

Step-by-Step Guide on Studying to Code

Once you have chosen a programming language, Java in our situation, consider self-studying or going to school or college to learn the essentials. Here are some steps that maybe helpful:

  1. Learn theory and read the basic tutorials on Java. Compare the syntax with other languages to understand the core differences.
  2. Come to grips with the main concepts including variables, subroutines, conditional statements, data input, etc.
  3. Build the simplest program. Learn and practice syntax by creating your first program.
  4. Search for code examples on free resources online. Look through the code written by professional developers in order understand how it works.
  5. Perform minor changes and explore how your program can run differently.
  6. Learn to comment on clear human language. Commenting functions are available for most of thelanguages and are very helpful when a compiler or another developer needs to figure something out.
  7. Mind time management. Code regularly to achieve success. Set a schedule and stick to it.
  8. Know your objectives. Set goals for the next week, month, year to know what you have to do in order to become a specialist.
  9. Strengthen your skills. Visit meetups and workshops to expand your knowledge. Buy books or take online courses to know the latest trends and innovations in computer science.
  10. Study additional subjects such as logic or mathematics. These subjects are closely related to coding. Knowing the math and logic essentials will help you write in a logical manner.
  11. Once you have become a top programmer, consider learning another language.
  12. Apply your knowledge practically. Find interesting projects to practice your skills.
  13. Think of portfolio. If you have made up your mind to devote your life to coding collect all projects that you have managed to complete successfully.
  14. Develop marketing materials and rates plan. You have to know how to promote your services if you are working as a freelancer.

Karen, an example of a computer programmer

Have you heard that Java was invented accidentally? Java was found as a new programming language by James Gosling who enhanced C++ by “cleaning it up” when he was constructing a set-top box.

Java turned out to be one of the most popular languages as almost 95% of enterprises use it. It is also used as the main programming language for developing Android apps. Currently, onebln users see how Java runs on their phones.

$84,000 is an average salary of a Java developer. As you see, a developer is a lucrative profession that inspires a lot of young people to be engaged in IT world and stay tuned every day.

If you are a beginner in any programming language, be it Java, JavaScript, React, Python or any other, you will need to stay focused on basic theory first. Try the resources that are listed above as well as the tips and tricks to master coding.

