How To

What to Do if the Twitter Username You Want Is Already Taken?

Having a Twitter username that resonates with your personality and brand, is an important aspect to your overall digital identity. Unfortunately, a lot of the good usernames are already taken, most of which are inactive and not even in use! If the Twitter username you want is already taken but inactive, you can opt for a twitter username claim service, and hire a social media agency to claim it for you.

Twitter Username You Want Is Already Taken

Types of Usernames That Can Be Claimed

This is something that most people don’t know about, but it’s something every business owner should know. Any username that has been inactive for a minimum of 1.5 years, is claimable. As you can imagine, that means there are millions of amazing usernames that are taken but inactive, that you can have for yourself!

The process of a claim is as simple as 1-2-3. All you need is to hire an experienced social media agency who can raise an internal request with the Twitter team to reassign you the inactive username. Literally, any username can be claimed and reassigned so long as it’s been inactive long enough.

As Easy as It Gets

The process for a claim is surprisingly easy. All you need is to have an agency represent you in the claim request. And in a matter of days, the username is assigned to you. You do not need to fork over your login details, or any paperwork. I mean, think of this, the username you want is just sitting there, doing nothing at all. Why would Twitter make it hard for you to make use of a perfect username?

There’s no long waiting or beating around the bush; Twitter is very fast when assigning inactive Twitter usernames to people who will use them. You should receive the username within a week from when you claim it. The only barrier to claims is, that you need representation from a social media agency. If you have that, you can have as many usernames as you’d like, in no time. This means, perfect usernames for your brands, that match your company name and domain! No more underscores and numbers!

That’s all there is to it; Twitter username claims are straightforward. Claims are super quick and easy. There aren’t any requirements to getting claims done. So long as you have a social agency backing you up, the username is yours!

Why It Matters!

Often, people won’t even look at your profile if they don’t already know who you are. The name of your Twitter account is the first thing that people see when they visit. So, you need to make sure that it reflects you.

And, with millions and millions of users on Twitter that have registered accounts for the past decade, chances are, the username you’d like is taken but not even in use.

So, someone several years ago, decided to register a name, and they didn’t even use it beyond the first day. What do we do? We claim it!

Your username is everything! In the world of digital media, your online identity is everything. A perfect username will make it easier for people to find you and remember. A good username is both easy to spell and easy to remember.

In addition, people will judge you according to how professional and catchy your Twitter account’s name is. You need to choose something memorable, interesting, and professional. If you don’t, your potential followers and customers may not take you seriously. Imagine if you’re a company named NoraCosmetics but your username is _nora_cosmetics123. That doesn’t look all that professional, does it? Of course, not!


There is a whole ocean of amazing usernames that are out there but not in use. And, you can have any of those usernames! Imagine that for a second. This means, you can most likely get the exact name that matches your personality and brand name. How cool is that?

It’s no surprise that Twitter has hundreds of thousands of high-quality usernames that are sitting dormant. However, there is a small catch; you can’t just get the name. You need to claim it. As long as you do that, Twitter will give it to you. You can find inactive usernames by typing your name into the search bar at the top of the Twitter home page. Then, use the help of a social media agency to stake a claim and get the username you’ve always wanted in a week or less.
