
Everything You Need to Know About Gastric Balloons: A Non-Surgical Approach to Weight Loss

Gastric balloons have emerged as a popular and effective non-surgical option for those seeking to lose weight and improve their health. Unlike traditional bariatric surgeries, gastric balloons offer a minimally invasive solution that helps individuals achieve significant weight loss without the need for incisions or long recovery periods. In this article, we’ll explore two of the most widely used gastric balloons—the Orbera balloon and the Spatz balloon—and discuss how they work, their benefits, and what to expect during the treatment process.

What Are Gastric Balloons?

Gastric balloons are silicone-based devices that are inserted into the stomach and then inflated with saline or air to take up space. The presence of the balloon in the stomach reduces the amount of food one can consume, leading to a feeling of fullness with smaller portions. This can help individuals adhere to a reduced-calorie diet, ultimately resulting in weight loss. The procedure is temporary, and the balloon is typically removed after a period of several months.

The Orbera Balloon

The Orbera balloon is one of the most well-known and widely used gastric balloons. It is a single balloon that is inserted endoscopically into the stomach and then filled with saline until it reaches about the size of a grapefruit. The entire procedure takes about 20 to 30 minutes and is performed under mild sedation.

Once in place, the Orbera balloon helps patients reduce their food intake by occupying space in the stomach, which promotes a feeling of fullness. This makes it easier to follow a low-calorie diet and develop healthier eating habits. The Orbera balloon is typically left in place for six months, after which it is removed during another endoscopic procedure. During the treatment period, patients are also provided with a comprehensive support program, including dietary counseling and lifestyle coaching, to maximize their weight loss results and ensure long-term success.

The Spatz Balloon

The Spatz balloon is another popular option, known for its unique adjustability feature. Unlike other gastric balloons, the Spatz balloon allows for volume adjustments during the treatment period. This means that the balloon can be inflated or deflated based on the patient’s progress and comfort levels, offering a more personalized approach to weight loss.

The procedure for inserting the Spatz balloon is similar to that of the Orbera balloon, involving an endoscopic placement and mild sedation. However, the Spatz balloon can remain in the stomach for up to 12 months, providing a longer period for patients to achieve their weight loss goals. The ability to adjust the balloon’s volume allows for a more flexible treatment plan, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals who need additional support to reach their target weight.

Benefits of Gastric Balloons

Both the Orbera and Spatz balloons offer several benefits for individuals seeking to lose weight without undergoing surgery:

Minimally Invasive: Gastric balloons do not require incisions, making the procedure less invasive and reducing the risk of complications.
Quick Recovery: The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis, and most patients can return to normal activities within a day or two.
Effective Weight Loss: Clinical studies have shown that patients can lose a significant amount of weight with gastric balloons, especially when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Supportive Program: Both the Orbera and Spatz treatments include comprehensive support programs, helping patients adopt healthier habits that contribute to long-term weight loss success.

What to Expect During Treatment

The process of getting a gastric balloon typically involves three main stages:

1. Initial Consultation: During the consultation, your doctor will assess your health and determine if you are a suitable candidate for a gastric balloon. They will explain the procedure in detail and discuss your weight loss goals.

2. Balloon Insertion: On the day of the procedure, you will be sedated, and the balloon will be inserted into your stomach endoscopically. The balloon is then inflated with saline (Orbera) or a combination of saline and air (Spatz).

3. Post-Insertion Care: After the procedure, you may experience some discomfort, such as nausea or bloating, as your body adjusts to the balloon. Your doctor will provide medications to help manage these symptoms. You will also receive ongoing support from a dietitian or weight loss specialist to help you achieve the best possible results.


Gastric balloons, such as the Orbera and Spatz balloons, offer a promising non-surgical solution for individuals struggling with weight loss. With their minimally invasive nature, effective results, and supportive programs, they provide an excellent alternative for those who want to achieve significant weight loss without undergoing surgery. If you’re considering a gastric balloon, it’s essential to consult with a qualified healthcare provider to determine which option is best suited for your needs and to ensure you receive the comprehensive care necessary for a successful outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a gastric balloon, and how does it help with weight loss?

A gastric balloon is a silicone-based device inserted into the stomach and filled with saline or air. It occupies space in the stomach, which reduces the amount of food you can consume, leading to a feeling of fullness with smaller portions. This helps in reducing calorie intake, which is essential for weight loss.

2. How is the gastric balloon inserted, and is the procedure painful?

The gastric balloon is inserted endoscopically, which means it is placed in the stomach through the mouth using a thin, flexible tube with a camera. The procedure is performed under mild sedation, so patients do not feel pain during the insertion. Most patients experience mild discomfort, such as nausea, in the first few days as the body adjusts to the balloon.

3. How long does the gastric balloon stay in the stomach?

The Orbera balloon is typically left in the stomach for six months, while the Spatz balloon can remain for up to 12 months. After the designated period, the balloon is removed during another endoscopic procedure.

4. What are the differences between the Orbera and Spatz gastric balloons?

The main difference is that the Spatz balloon is adjustable, meaning its volume can be increased or decreased during the treatment period to better suit the patient’s needs. The Orbera balloon, on the other hand, is a single-volume balloon that stays in place for six months.

5. How much weight can I expect to lose with a gastric balloon?

Weight loss varies depending on individual factors such as starting weight, adherence to dietary and lifestyle changes, and the specific type of balloon used. On average, patients can expect to lose between 20-50 pounds during the treatment period.

6. Are there any dietary restrictions after getting a gastric balloon?

Yes, after the gastric balloon is inserted, you will need to follow a specific diet plan. Initially, you’ll start with a liquid diet, gradually progressing to soft foods and then regular foods. A dietitian or weight loss specialist will provide guidance to ensure you’re eating a balanced, low-calorie diet that supports weight loss.

7. What are the possible side effects of gastric balloons?

Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, bloating, and stomach cramps, particularly in the first few days after the balloon is inserted. These symptoms usually subside as your body adjusts. In rare cases, more serious complications, such as balloon deflation or migration, may occur, which is why close monitoring by your healthcare provider is essential.

8. Is the gastric balloon procedure covered by insurance?

Coverage for gastric balloon procedures varies depending on your insurance provider and policy. Some insurance plans may cover the procedure if it’s deemed medically necessary, while others may consider it an elective or cosmetic procedure. It’s important to check with your insurance provider for specific coverage details.

9. What happens after the gastric balloon is removed?

After the gastric balloon is removed, it’s crucial to continue following the healthy eating and lifestyle habits developed during the treatment period to maintain your weight loss. Ongoing support from a dietitian or weight loss specialist can help you sustain your results.

10. Who is a good candidate for a gastric balloon?

Gastric balloons are typically recommended for individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30-40 who have not been successful with diet and exercise alone. It is also suitable for those who prefer a non-surgical weight loss option. A thorough evaluation by a healthcare provider is necessary to determine if you are a good candidate.

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