
It All Begins With Booking Early: 8 Golden Rules for Meeting Room Etiquette

Meeting room etiquette should be a priority in small or large office settings. Respecting the other people that share office space is a major rule of teamwork. Meeting Room Booking Software can help with this process, but you are still required to use common sense. With these 8 rules, you’ll be more equipped than the average worker.

8. Have A Concept Of Time

If the meeting is for noon, then walking in the door at noon does not mean you’re on time. Always make it a point to arrive at least fifteen to ten minutes before the allotted meeting time. This allows everyone to get settled in before the actual meeting starts.

7. Respect The Seating Rules

When chair assignments are set, follow them. Ignoring seating assignments puts undue stress on the person in charge of the meeting. If you’re really at odds about the seat, ask in advance if you can swap to a different place.

6. On-Time Means Paying Attention

One of the most difficult things people deal with in meetings is getting everyone to pay attention to. This causes the beginning of the meeting to start late and the ending to drag on. Once you enter the room, give your full and undivided attention to the person in charge.

5. Put Your Phone On Silent

Employees have been fired and consumers have been kicked out of establishments for the dreaded phone interruption. Nothing brings the full attention of the room to you like an unsilenced phone. Don’t be that person, and if possible, leave your phone in a drawer.

4. Don’t Leave A Mess

When food is provided for the meeting, clean up after yourself. You should also go the extra mile and clean up after others if they leave a mess. It is a small gesture that could lead to positive enforcement.

3. Respect The Schedule

Schedules exist for a reason, and there is usually enough leeway with time to allow for overages. But that doesn’t mean you should take advantage of it. The current people in a meeting that’s ending should never cross paths with people that are scheduled to come behind them. There should always be a clean transition between the two groups that avoid all overlap.

2. Cancel Within An Appropriate Window

Cancelations are different for every company. This includes ways of canceling, whether by email, text or company messaging system. Following those rules will prevent team members from keeping a slot open in their schedule for a meeting that has been canceled.

1. Never Steal A Location

Company politics comes into play when dealing with meeting locations. If you don’t like an assigned room, then go through the correct work channels to change it. It’s never a good idea to swap rooms as you see fit since this can inconvenience other members of the company.

Wrap Up

Everyone should take the time to understand the rules of the workplace. A meeting room follows certain guidelines that should be followed by all workers, regardless of position. When everyone is on the same page, respect comes naturally.
