
How to Optimize Your Team’s Remote Work Experience – 5 Tips that Actually Work

Studies have shown the popularity and benefits of remote work for many sectors. Over the past decade, remote work has become about 90% more prevalent, with many of the best individuals in talent pools requesting it before they’re willing to sign a contract.

So, can you offer your team a good remote work experience?  We’ve compiled some must-do tips that apply to almost any remote work scenario.

Revise Your View on Communication

Communication is vital in any relationship – work scenarios too. Let’s be clear: remote work does not mean ‘alone work.’ When team members don’t feel engaged, there is a chance that productivity will drop and that they don’t feel the company cares enough. But there’s no reason to call them back to the office! You simply need efficient ways to give and receive feedback but accept that normal emails won’t do.

For remote working, modern collaboration tools come in handy. There’s more than enough innovative technology to help workers balance remote working while still feeling connected. So, it’s worth spending a few days on boarding everyone to ensure they optimize features like sharing videos and documents.

Technology also helps keep things personal even if you don’t see each other face to face. For example, using GIFs or a voice message via a team app can communicate emotion much better than a short text message. And instead of sending an email with a PDF document attached, why not do a short video presentation?

A huge benefit of these cloud-based tools is that information is available to anyone at any time, enabling your team to work anywhere – even if they’re waiting in the car to pick up kids from school. The flexibility enables workers to get more done while empowering them to spend more quality time with family.

Going remote does require a bit of creativity, but it benefits everyone in the end.

Add an Element of Fun

Another way to still maintain a personal element when your team works off-site is to focus on fun now and then. Now, this shouldn’t use up too much of their work hours and affect productivity. But since you can’t have a ‘Friday Team Lunch’ anymore, find new ways to build and maintain team spirit.

A few ideas to get you started:

  • Invite everyone to collaborate on organizing a charity project.
  • Launch competitions for individuals or teams – anything from a quiz to sending pictures on a theme like ‘pets as coworkers.’
  • Create channels on your collaboration platform exclusively for sharing funny images or random information. Those who want to join in can, without bothering anyone else..
  • Invite everyone to online gaming during lunchtime.

Have Fewer, Better Meetings

Guess what? Soon you’ll realize you don’t really need all those meetings you used to have. At first, you may feel you need to maintain control by scheduling more meetings. In reality, trusting your team to get the job done and using the collaboration tools effectively will lead to much better workflows. Also, your team members will appreciate not being micro-managed all the time, boosting their confidence and resulting in better quality work.

For the meetings that you host online, set out clear guidelines so those times are productive as possible:

  • Meeting etiquette: Make sure everyone mutes microphones unless they’re speaking to limit disruptions.
  • Keeping it personal: Do ask everyone how they are, but put a time limit on the banter.
  • Managing participation: The individual leading a meeting must invite participation by asking for opinions. When you make a question very specific, you’re bound to get more interaction. For example, ask everyone to name one thing they think can improve on the current plan, service, or product.

An efficient policy and good meeting habits will lead to more enthusiasm during online meetings. Workers will bring their best to the table for each virtual gathering, and you’ll get more done faster. And then everyone can carry on with their day.

Find Ways to Automate

Part of people’s motivation to work remotely is saving time, such as traveling less. Help them achieve this goal by automating mundane tasks, giving them more time to focus on the work they’re passionate about. For example, enquire whether automated sales emails or billing can help individuals become more efficient.

Help Create a Balance Between Flexibility and Routines

It’s clear that managers and business owners, such as Walt Coulston, must develop trust in employees and allow them to prove they can make the most of remote work scenarios. Still, managers can assist from the sidelines by helping team members find the balance between work and home life faster.

For one thing, establish a general routine for each week to help workers maintain momentum. By setting deadlines and organizing occasional one-to-one meetings for feedback, employees will be reminded of what’s expected of them. In addition, ask them to use methods like time blocking to organize days and ensure they take enough breaks.

Final Thoughts

The workers of today have the advantage of impressive technology enabling them to do their jobs from anywhere in the world. All it takes is a few guidelines and good habits to see your business, as well as your team, flourish – all because of remote working.

If you have any tips for other leaders on this topic, please share them with us.

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