
Entertaining Children: What’s Ahead For Children’s Books

When people think of children’s entertainment nowadays, they usually focus on video games and animation. But the most effective of entertainment options for children also educates. Children’s books have a long history, and they are surprisingly going strong despite all the competition from all the other mediums. It is a changing field, and some trends are becoming notable in the past few years. Here’s a quick look at what is changing in the world of children’s books.

Interactive Books Becoming More Popular

One of the major trends that is becoming important when it comes to books is interactivity. The main competition that books face is with games on tablets and other mediums. The ability to interact with their entertainment is important for young people. This would normally be a black mark against books, butinteractive children’s booksare becoming a major market.

Interactive books are not a new thing. Books with pull tabs and some moving parts should be familiar to many people. Some books even have small sound-making parts. Their popularity is still there since they are a big help in children’s development. They are also really attractive since book designers get to be creative with how to present the book. But the real star of the current interactive book range is the e-books. Combining mediums, parents don’t even have to do the reading anymore. The book does the job for them while engaging with the child. They are great products and foster faster development in children.

Decline Of The Picture Book

Children are reading more and more. This can be a good and bad thing. The main benefit is that the industry is seeing a major push for more complex books. Children from ages 8 to 12 are now becoming a major focus for publishers. This is the age when children transition from picture books to complex novels. This means that many publishers are pushing for children’s authors to focus their efforts on meatier texts.

The result is that we might see fewer picture books on the market. They are still a big favorite. While most mainstream publishers are not focusing on them right now, there is an independent market. Many authors are self-publishing children’s picture books, and they are still there to meet the demand. It is better since these authors usually look for the right artist to bring their vision to life or even draw it themselves.

Looking For A Hit Series

Any children’s book series is a potential moneymaker. Everyone knows how big Harry Potter and publishers want to tap into that market. Children are the perfect customers since they are passionate about what they like. Book series are very profitable for these reasons. Many children will clamor to buy the next book in a series, as long as it is part of the series they like. The pressure is on for publishers to find a hit series. Many of the upcoming book releases for younger readers in the future will either start a new series or be part of a continuing series. While stand-alone novels will still be there, they will have a hard time competing with series that could be worth billions. Publishers will be looking at a book and evaluating whether it is going to be also a hit film. This can be good for authors, but it can make it a bit boring for readers.

Celebrity Authors Springing Up

Another trend that you might notice is that celebrity authors are turning towards children’s books as another way to make money from their big names. While some of them are ghost-written, celebrities often have the skills to get it done on their own. The main challenge for these authors is to keep the attention of their young readers. But the celebrity names are going to attract the attention of the main source of purchases for children’s books: parents. Parents who are familiar with the celebrity or are fans might buy the book for the name recognition factor alone. Publishers are hoping for this and might be the reason for the huge advance they would give for these books.

Looking For Hope

Children’s books are a bright spot for children. Publishers are looking for hopeful content so that children will be able to look forward to the future. Children’s emotional needs are as important as their physical ones, and you can expect more publishers looking for lighter fare.

Whether you are a writer or a parent, knowing what to expect from the children’s book market can be a big help. Knowing what is out there can allow you to make better decisions when it comes to children’s books.
