
Things You Need To Check Before Using Any Image From The Web

There are many reasons why images are highly important for your brand’s online platform. Photography has undergone new advancements after the development in that area and the innovation of many tools like image search. Images have proved to be a great reason for attraction for people as the human brain processes visual information faster than textual input. There is a list of other reasons why images are more useful in articles other than this.

Check Before Using Any Image From The Web

Also, social media has made people surf through loads of images every day. This means that people look for images in other articles and textual content as well because they are so used to getting every piece of information in a visual or infographic form that it is an obsolete practice to create a platform without images. But now the question arises that what things we need to keep in mind while choosing images for our pages.

The best practice is to create your media, but the presence of stock images and other free material on the internet can be used as well.

You need to keep in mind a few points while selecting those images such as the following.

Check For Better Resolutions

Another important thing about images these days is the resolution. This means that the resolution should not be too high that the browser finds it difficult to load in average time and it should not be too low either in a way that appears fake or very unprofessional.

To find if your selected image has a better version or the version of resolution you need, then you should do a reverse photo search online. It will enlist the available duplicates of the image in every resolution available. From there, you can choose which ones to pick for your website.


Make sure that the images you use are from a trusted source. If you are using an image as a backlink, make sure to use a picture lookup tool to find the source of the image. This might be a case where you are unsure about which person or website to give the credits or backlinks to. After doing an image search, you will know the source of the image and you can tag the original platform this way.

Also, make sure that the site you are downloading the image from is genuine and safe because you may install a virus or malware along with it fit is a malicious platform.

●  Theme

Make sure the image you are selecting from the internet is following your theme. If it destroys the current theme or looks irrelevant to your brand, then the image is not worth using. But there are other methods such as editing and using filters on images that can help you change the colors or look according to your platform.

Theme maintenance is important as every image you have on your website will be your representative in the image search results. Picture finder enlists the result in the form of image tiles in the image section where your image will also be shown if it makes it to the results. These images reflect the types of graphics and visuals of the theme on your platform. So, a client might develop color or theme association with your platform and recognize your images from the bulk of image search results as they will reflect the theme of your platform.


Check the human models included in the online image. If it fits your platform and its meaning, then you can use it after checking a few important things such as its degree of usage by other sites. Adding humans to promote product selling is a great way to increase your sales, but it helps better when using your original images. If you are using an image from the internet, make sure that the image is not being used by several other websites especially those with the same niche or nature as yours.

If you use a repeated image, the client will know that the material you are using is not proprietary, making your platform look less authentic. Also, people tend to remember and pick similar images more easily when the same model is present. Use image search to find the websites that are using the same image and make your decision likewise. Also, image search can help you identify if the image is proprietary, which can save you from copyright issues.


There are a few points that can enhance your image usage and rank your images and platform better in many places, such as image search results, which will help make your content rank better and result in coining more traffic and customers.
