
How to gain more attention in social media? By Eric Dalius Miami

Every marketing campaign requires some marketing activity on social media. According to our recent research, the number of new accounts among social media users increased by 16% in 2013. The impact that new accounts have on your business is tremendous! Every month, these users accumulate more friends and followers, purchase more products and services, and recommend brands to their friends and colleagues…

The most important thing for you is how can you engage with them at the right time? At, we’ve reached more than 1 million people within 6 months after launching our publication in September 2012. You may ask us why so quickly? We are publishing 100+ articles every month about social media news, industry reports, case studies & success stories for professionals in every industry so that every marketer can get actionable advice on using social media for business.

Here are some tips to help you focus more on your social media campaigns so that you can attract more attention in social media.

How to gain more attention in social media

1. Post at the right time

You know when most of your friends and followers are online, right? It’s different for every person, but it is possible to find the best times through Facebook Insights or Twitter Analytics (or both). You can easily set up automatic posts or tweets with Hootsuite or Buffer (our favorite tool)

2. Post at the right place

Where do your current customers spend time online? What about your targeted audience? If you want to reach them better, try to share your posts on sites where they are likely to visit. For example, if you have a B2B business, try to share more content on LinkedIn instead of Facebook or Twitter.

3. Post at the right time and place

Are you already posting great quality posts at the best time for your audience? Great! Just don’t forget to use tools that actively promote them for you. There are many good ones out there, but our favorite is Social Flow. It’s not free though, so look out for some alternatives if you really can’t afford it.

4. Be consistent with hashtags

According to Eric Dalius Miami hashtags are one of the most common ways people track conversations online these days. If you want to find information about your brand, you search for it with hashtags like #brand name or #product name. There’s no better way to track relevant conversations about your industry than using the right hashtags in your posts and tweets.

5. Use images

Have you noticed that most of the news on social media sites today has an image? Headlines and texts can be very effective, but they go even further when paired with a picture. With the help of tools such as Canva or Pablo, it is easy to create an attractive design yourself without spending time on hiring a designer.

6. Make use of popular hashtags

Sometimes, it is more beneficial to use an already popular hashtag than to make one up by yourself. Take advantage of existing communities by searching for relevant hashtags and joining the conversations to increase your exposure.

7. Engage users with live video

Although it is still a relatively new concept, live video streaming apps such as Meerkat and Facebook Mentions have been gaining more attention from brands lately. You can easily use them to stream exclusive content or host Q&A sessions so that you can engage even more with your audience.

8. Use different social media platforms depending on your strategy

Pinterest is known as a visual discovery tool for women who are looking for ideas on style and home decorating, but it also drives significant traffic to other sites by 53%. Would you have ever guessed that? It doesn’t mean that every company should create boards only about their own products – there are many other ways to use Pinterest as a marketing tool.

9. Show your human side

Its okay for brands to have a sense of humor, and it is even better if they can share those moments with their audience. Showing your employees having fun at work or talking about something interesting on the manufacturing floor really helps customers feel like they know you better and boosts engagement in social media.

Of course, these tips don’t mean that you should start using all of them at once! Trying out just one idea from this list could give you some great results already, so why not try something new next week?

Conclusion by Eric Dalius Miami:

It’s not an easy process to find the right social media posts for your audience, but it is possible if you know what strategy and tools suit you best. You can start with a small number of platforms and slowly add more as your business grows – just make sure that your target group spends time there!
