
Why Does the Vape Mouthpiece Get Hot?

While the level of heat can vary from model to model, and from herbs & wax, to oil concentrates, a mouthpiece is usually located near or directly above the heating element, which is needed to vaporize your material. Naturally, this can become an issue for those who unexpectedly put their lips to a mouthpiece expecting it to remain at room temperature. With the physics of heat transfer, the heat itself will naturally travel and go to the mouthpiece and over time, will get hotter & hotter. Even at lower temperatures, the heat will build up and go throughout the entire vape, concentrating the most at the area closest to the heating element itself, which is usually around the area of the mouthpiece.

Can You Avoid a Hot Vape Mouthpiece?

Depending on which type of vape you happen to own, such as an oil vape pen or dry herb vaporizer, there are some brands out there that try to mitigate this heat problem by utilizing materials such as rubber, or silicone to cover over the mouthpiece. Another method is by design, placing the mouthpiece away from the heating element itself, though this does not eliminate the problem per se. If you happen to have a mouthpiece that gets super-hot, just know that this is the nature of the vape, and although we cannot stop physics like heat transfer from doing what it does, there are ways to minimize this and protect yourself from getting hurt. One of the best ways to do this is to be mindful of your vape session and not prolong the time it takes to keep your unit on for extended periods of time.

How to Protect Yourself from the Heat 

  1. Vape Mouthpiece Covers

One of the most useful and effective methods of avoiding the heat from coming into contact with your lips is the use of a silicone cover. These are fitted directly over the mouthpiece to provide a thick layer of protection that will eventually feel warm to the touch, though will mitigate the heat enough to allow for a comfortable hit without burning your lips. Most covers are made of silicone, though you will still be able to find certain mouthpiece covers made from rubber or other less efficient heat-repelling materials. These may be cheaper, though will not provide the type of heat mitigation that silicone can provide.

  1. Vape Mouthpiece Extensions

Similar to a mouthpiece cover, these can also be made of silicone and extend outwards from the mouthpiece itself. This creates an effective deterrent to the heat issue and tapers off the heat little by little, which provides all the protection you would ever need to mitigate this particular problem. Combined with the fact that these extensions are also made of silicone means you could use one of these mouthpiece extensions virtually all day long with no worry about coming into contact with a hot mouthpiece. This is the most effective way to prevent yourself from putting a hot mouthpiece to your lips, offering the best solution to the problem.

  1. Replacement Mouthpiece

The time it takes for heat to transfer from the heating element directly onto the mouthpiece itself is a slow process. By the time you feel the mouthpiece getting uncomfortably hot means you could simply switch it out for a fresh mouthpiece, by which time you will most likely be nearing the end of your vape session. This is one effective way of mitigating the heat issue without having to spend money on extensions or mouthpiece covers, though those can also be better solutions by allowing you to enjoy the experience without having to switch anything out.

  1. Efficient Vape Sessions

During a session, some people do not realize just how hot 400 degrees F really is, and that kind of intense heat travels throughout the entire vape, so if you are using that temperature for long enough the mouthpiece can get extremely hot. You can effectively minimize this by being more efficient with your vaping sessions, turning off the unit as soon as you are done taking a hit, or in between draws as needed. Combine this method with any of the aforementioned tactics to mitigate the heat, and you will never encounter the problem of having a hot mouthpiece touch your lips ever again.

  1. Cooler Environments

While this may not be the best solution on this list, and may have marginal impact if anything, it is important to understand that vaping in the hot sun on a summer day will create a much hotter experience than stepping outside in the middle of winter for example. This is important to consider if vaping from a hot mouthpiece is your main concern, as environmental heat will only compound the problem. Cold temperatures can effectively slow down the time it takes for your vape to reach a point that makes your mouthpiece too hot to put your lips up to.

Dry Herb Vaporizers vs Wax Pens vs Oil Vapes – Hot Mouthpiece Comparison

A weed vape pen will lnevitably come into contact with the issue of having a hot mouthpiece, though this problem is most prominent with wax pens and dry herb vaporizers given the nature of how they operate. The reason for this is that dry herb vapes heat like an oven, versus oil and wax vapes that heat when you press a button or draw in your breath, and stop heating the moment you let it go. There is also more time for heat to transfer with a dry herb vape and can go over 400°F in some cases. Using any one or a combination of tips from the above section will ensure that your vape sessions will become fully enjoyable without the issue of having a hot mouthpiece ruin your experience, no matter what type of vape you happen to have.

Where Can I Buy Vape Mouthpiece Sleeves & Extensions?

Fortunately, you will be able to easily find the majority of mouthpiece covers & extensions at any reputable vape store that carries or specializes in vaporizers. The best place to shop for one of these vape accessories however would be a vape shop. With the current situation in society limiting the amount of traffic & business that would normally visit a brick & mortar shop, online shopping has taken its place as one of the most convenient ways to acquire all the tools & accessories you want to make the most out of your vape sessions.

Written By: Anthony E.
