
How To Be Safe When Ip Address Is Revealing Things About You?

The word IP address viz, Internet Protocol Address. It is a virtual address given to your digital device. The typical format of this virtual address is You can know more about the ip login details via Your device needs this IP address to communicate with all other devices worldwide. For network providers, it provides a pathway to track Internet traffic and assign access to a particular user. The IP address is generally harmless, but it can be used by investigating agencies or even malicious people. Every time a user logs into Facebook accounts, search via google, sign up for different apps, and get registered in that IP address. Thus making it a vulnerable source, and hence it can be used to penetrate deeper to gather more detailed information.

Cybercriminals can do a large number of malicious activities, either acquiring the user’s IP address or using it. The various unethical and illegal activities include downloading prohibited content(pirated or pornographic content),  hacking someone’s account. It may even have access to using the user’s location for manipulative or malicious tasks, and he can also attack the device and fill it with malware. You should install reviewsdir for more information regarding this.

However, by following some straightforward steps, we can avoid having malicious attacks on our data to a very large extend-

  1. Use VPNs: viz. A Virtual Private Network is claimed to be the ultimate solution to avoid hacking. It provides an encrypted tunnel for the activities provided online, preventing the leaking of data from the network

It even disguises the device’s identity and location, thus making the hacking process even further difficult.

  1. Use Unique Usernames and Passwords- Refrain from using preformed or suggested usernames or passwords as it gives an edge to the hacker
  2. EMAILS: Avoid Opening junk mails or emails sent by unauthorized sources, as it may download an army of viruses and malicious junk in your device as soon as the email is opened.
  3. Applications- Download only the app/ Play store’s protected apps and avoid having unnecessary applications installed in the device.

Even the downloaded applications should be given limited permissions to access the device’s data, the device’s location, history, and the IP address are vulnerable.

  1. Keep the Antivirus/ Antimalware Updated: So that it can detect the latest malicious program possible.

Hence by following these straightforward yet crucial steps, major cybercrimes and malicious activities can be avoided, from your device, at least!
