
Top 7 Satellite Imagery Use Cases Revolutionizing the World

Satellite imagery is a significant and reliable source of information today. We’re not just talking about research and government benefits. Historical and up-to-date satellite images can bring many benefits to various fields of human activity and businesses. Finding a sector for which satellite technology would be useless can be a challenge. In this piece, we’ll cover several uses of satellite imagery that are changing the world.

Agriculture & Farming

At first glance, it may seem that agriculture is a fairly conservative industry with many years of traditions and practices. However, with the development of technology, agriculture began to use many innovations and introduce various progressive methods. Technology is transforming this sector, and no one can deny it.

Satellite imagery and GPS technology have opened up many opportunities for farmers and increased research potential. Farmers can now remotely monitor various events on the farm, including monitoring crop evapotranspiration levels and adjusting water supply based on this data. In addition, it became possible to monitor the state of crops throughout the growing season remotely.

Forestry & Agroforestry identify needs

Forests and agricultural land need monitoring, which is close to real-time. It is necessary for the timely solution of problems in these sectors. VHR satellite imagery provides this capability and is used in many projects.

Agriculture provides food for the population of our planet. The challenges facing this sector today are related to climate change. In 2050, agriculture must increase production by up to 70% to meet the demand of a growing population. At the same time, agriculture can make a significant contribution to the fight against climate change.

Forests are also a vital part of the earth. Deforestation, on the other hand, is aggravating climate-related problems. Ending deforestation will help reduce CO2 emissions by up to 7 billion tonnes per year, up from 36 billion tonnes now. For this reason, forests require widespread protection to combat climate change effectively.

Near-real-time monitoring of forests and agricultural land is essential in extreme cases. This technology is necessary for detecting and timely response to forest fires, floods, droughts, or pests. It is the only way to minimize their impact on the environment and eliminate the consequences.

Energy & Natural Resources

High-quality satellite imagery is the basis for informed, sustainable, and effective decisions in various fields. Satellite images are used to find and extract energy from the planet’s natural resources. In addition, they make it possible to map resources for oil and gas exploration. The use of remote sensing geology also offers many valuable opportunities in mining and renewable energy development.

Access to geospatial and temporal data allows you to increase productivity when decorating and planning your classrooms. It also plays a vital role in energy production, infrastructure monitoring, and asset management. Remote sensing makes a massive contribution to solving problems in extreme situations and eliminating the consequences associated with, for example, an oil spill.

Climate change & Environment protection

Satellite measurements play a critical role in observing climate change. Thanks to satellite changes, various organizations and researchers record the temperature of the Earth and the ocean, the level of greenhouse gas emissions, the depletion of glaciers, and many other parameters and phenomena associated with climate change. Satellites have become an integral part of the climate change mission through various innovations, including miniaturization of sensors, high-speed data transfers, and improved storage capabilities.

Climate change today cannot be noted and assessed without the help of satellite technology. Only with accurate satellite data can ecologists and scientists understand, analyze and predict the effects of climate change. This data is also the basis for the formation of practical strategies and solutions.

Smart transport & Logistics

Data transmission is the backbone of the transport infrastructure. Satellite technologies in the transport system will make it more reliable and enable innovation. It will be possible to exchange large amounts of data between infrastructure and vehicles, which will allow them to react to changes instantly.

Satellite technology can change a lot. For example, users will influence the bus schedule by sending a signal about the time and place of boarding. Thus, the vehicle will change the route and will be able to pick up the passenger on time.

This technology will also be able to contribute to the maintenance and maintenance of transport operations significantly. Train data will be sent to the local interchange to report wagons in need of repair. In addition, using satellite technology, it is possible to transmit data to drivers about severe weather conditions. With this information, drivers will replace tires in time or recharge the battery if necessary. Furthermore, satellite navigation will become a more reliable solution for finding the best routes.

Retail & Geomarketing

Geomarketing provides an opportunity to launch a marketing campaign that will target specific segments of consumers. However, retailers need to understand which consumer profiles surround their points of sale to use this tactic effectively and target it correctly. Profiling customer types by location enables support teams to predict and quickly resolve any issues and respond to inquiries. Location data helps identify problems specific to specific users, online channels, or areas. It’s an excellent way for companies to provide customers with better support.

Real estate & Property

Satellite imagery will provide property owners or other interested parties with real estate images on a specific date, and it is an important, irrefutable source of information. In addition, satellite imagery in the real estate and property sector has several valuable functions.

For example, with their help, you can remotely control large real estate packages, and such monitoring will significantly reduce travel costs. Access to snapshots also provides the ability to evaluate changes that occur in the portfolio. Thus, developers receive a signal if a project requires their attention.

Assessing urban development on a regional or national scale can also be set using satellite imagery. The availability of data from satellite images will eliminate the need to travel around searching for suitable locations for potential projects. In addition, insurance and banking companies that have access to satellite imagery can constantly accurately assess the condition of real estate properties and provide information on available amenities.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, satellite imagery is transforming and improving many branches of human activity. It is an indispensable monitoring tool that enables you to respond to changes on time and act more effectively in emergencies. Access to satellite imagery allows various businesses to be more informed, improve planning and decision-making processes. In many areas, receiving information from a satellite also helps to save multiple resources and time.
