
4 Things You Should Know Before Buying Your Gaming PC

Thanks to technological advancements, we don’t need to leave our homes to get entertainment today. Now more than ever, music streaming has become easy, concerts are covered and shared through television in real-time, and to enjoy your poker, all you need to do is do a Slots lv login.

Due to more people turning to gaming platforms to pass the time, the gaming industry has seen tremendous growth and is projected to expand and reach a value of $314 billion by 2026. The figures account for the investment both gaming companies and players have made.

Investing in a good gaming setup is critical for a quality gaming experience. A gaming desktop is a crucial investment and a big one, for that matter. Thus, you need to do research and understand what you need. Buying a gaming PC needs a lot of planning and thinking, as one size does not always fit all.

Here is a guide that will help you choose a gaming PC that meets your needs.

#1 Have a List of The Games You Want to Play

The starting point should be listing down your gaming needs. Keep in mind the gaming requirements and ask yourself questions like whether the PC will be used for one or multiple games. List down the games you intend to play on the PC and identify if there will be other newer versions of the games.

One of the other factors you have to consider is the graphic requirements for playing the specific games. Are you going to use the PC for live stream gaming, and do you want the PC to accommodate upcoming games in the future?

Once you get your answers to the questions above, you will get an idea of the specs you need in a gaming PC, and it will be easy for you to consult with a gaming PC specialist on the ideal option.

#2 Consider the CPU

Remember that the CPU is the brain of a computer. If you pick a gaming PC with a good CPU, you are guaranteed a quality gaming experience. While you may not need the most powerful CPU in the market, the recommended minimum to go with is a four-core CPU.

Also, if you are looking for a CPU that will give you decent performance with the modern titles, a six-core CPU will do. Going higher than that may improve the gaming performance but not significantly and may have some cost implications. The other reason you may need something higher is if the game you intend to play on the PC requires explicitly multiple cores.

When it comes to processors, Intel is the most recommended as it provides better gaming performance compared to AMD processors. If your gaming is moderate, an Intel i5 processor will do the job well.

If your gaming sessions are usually intense, you will need something more powerful like Core i9.

#3 RAM

What role does RAM play when it comes to gaming? Your gaming PC can access data faster and retrieve information from the main storage with adequate RAM. Remember that your game data is usually stored in the hard drive or solid-state drive. For information to be pulled from the storage efficiently, your computer will need RAM.

Having low RAM means your computer will not store and utilize all the gaming information properly, resulting in poor performance. On the other hand, lack of RAM may cause the game not to play at all.

The good news is that gaming does not need too much RAM, and most modern games can work with a RAM of 8GB if you are equipped with a good graphics card. The most recommended RAM for gaming is 16GB for a smooth performance. With this RAM size, you should be able to run other applications alongside gaming on your PC without lagging.

Gamers are advised to save money as anything above 16GB is unnecessary and instead invest it in other components that will enhance their experience, such as a graphics card.

#4 Resolution and Monitor Size

When it comes to gaming, bigger is better. If you have the budget, go for a bigger screen. The minimum screen size required for gaming is 21.5 inches. Note that this may be a bit small and require the player to sit close to the monitor.

Note that resolution is the most critical graphics setting option, and it determines how detailed and sharp the images on your screen will be. The most popular options to choose from for gaming are Full HD, Quad HD, and Ultra HD.

Full HD or 1080p resolution is the minimum recommended resolution for a monitor. Today, it is the most commonly used by gamers and provides excellent clarity, picture quality, and detailed images.

Quad HD or 1440p resolution is also becoming a popular choice among gamers, and it provides better resolution than the 1080p option. More so, it is loved because it does not drain the graphics card.

Ultra HD 2160p resolution offers double the richness of color, clarity, and quality that 1080p resolution provides. This option is usually expensive and requires a powerful graphics card.

Take Away

Gaming PCs are not the same, and you have to be intentional when shopping for one. Some of the critical factors to consider when choosing are the types of games you play, CPU, RAM, and monitor size and resolution. Ensure the features of the gaming PC will meet your gaming needs.

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