
How to make a game in PHP?

Is PHP Development Still in the Game? Yes, it is!

A popular programming language for developing dynamic finished web solutions is PHP. The fact that PHP is thought to be used by 79% of the network speaks volumes about how widespread this programming language is.

You can rely on PHP to generate the best solutions, whether you want to develop a straightforward web application or a more complex e-commerce website. Creating high-performance and safe websites or even a guessing game in php offers fantastic functionality, effective database operations, and tighter security measures.

Tic Tac Toe game in PHP

Simple PHP and JSON files were used to create the Tic Tac Toe Game. This game is entertaining, intriguing, and addicting. To play this game, we need two players. Both humans and one computer can participate as a player. To win, the player must also play the game strategically and wisely.

About the Tic Tac Toe Game in PHP

The game data is temporarily stored in the project source code using the PHP $_SESSION variable. Players must first submit their names under the side they choose to play as—X or O—before the game can begin. Additionally, the system keeps track of each player’s score history and displays it after each game.

Making of the Tic Tac Toe Game In PHP

PHP is all that’s used in the Tic Tac Toe Game project. Regarding the game’s features, the player must construct a straight horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line using their value (either x or o). We must run the project in CLI to play the game. Enter the row number and column number where you wish to place the value to create a straight line.

Here is the tic tac toe game project in PHP

How To Run The Project?

You don’t require a local server of any type to run this project; all you need is a command prompt and composer. Download this free tic tac toe game in PHP and use it strictly for educational purposes.

The following actions need to be taken after downloading the project.

1st Step: Extract the file

 2nd Step: Run “composer install” inside the project directory in

3rd Step: Run “php main.php” to play the game

How to Play Tic Tac Toe Game

Enter the names of the participants, contestants, or players, then click Start.

The software will display their names for each participant, contestant, or player’s turn in the game. Pressing the Play button on the interface will submit the move made by the participant, contestant, or player.

The winner of the competition is the first person to line their marks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

You’re all set! The Tic Tac Toe Game is now available for testing and plays on your end. I hope you’ll find what you’re looking for with this straightforward PHP game project. You are welcome to use the code and ask me anything there.


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