
Is The Arab World The New eSports Powerhouse?

The Arab world pulled it off once more, hosting the finals of the Intel Arabian Cup in front of a live audience of 7,000 League of Legends fans and enthusiasts.

With the intention of satisfying the need for a prominent esports competition in the area that could appeal to fans of League of Legends and other popular competitive games, the Intel Arabian Cup was launched in 2020. As a result, the Intel Arabian Cup has become the biggest and most prestigious esports event in the Arab world and held annually ever since. The tournament this year was unlike any other in recent memory.

The 2022 Intel Arabian Cup was different from earlier versions of the competition because of how it was set up. This made it possible for the most up-and-coming teams to compete in League of Legends games for the chance to win the championship.

The 2022 Intel Arabian Cup final was shown live in Egypt, where it drew more than 7,000 people in a festive atmosphere of happiness and inclusiveness.

A Breathtaking Final

The title match pitted a Saudi team against an Egyptian team for the third time in the Intel Arabian Cup’s three-year history, this time pitting the Saudi Geekay team against the Egyptian RA’AD team. Similar to last year, when Geekay’s team defeated Anubis in the final match to claim the championship, this year Geekay’s squad defeated RA’AD to do the same.

The championship game was played using the best-of-five-rounds format, and Egypt’s early victory gave fans reason to believe their country may finally win the Arab Cup again after Anubis claimed victory in the first tournament. But the Saudi team quickly got back on track and took back control of the game. They went on to win three rounds in a row and the match by a shocking 3-1 score.

All of the Geekay team members performed well in the championship game, but “WUFO” deserves special recognition for his professional performance and unwavering dedication, which helped the team win three straight games and earned him the trophy and the title of Best Player.

The Saudi squad won the Intel Arabian Cup in its biggest, most significant, and most passionate edition thanks to this victory, and they were able to defend their championship title for a second year running.

It should be stressed that this year’s Intel Arabian Cup was the most difficult one ever due to the vast number of strong players who participated. In addition, Anubis and the Vslash crew were there and absolutely floored everyone with their amazing performance.

Betting On The Winners

To raise the ante even further, Arab gamers visited sites like in search of information on how to place wagers online, how to utilize a virtual private network (VPN), and which bookies provide the greatest odds and other benefits.

As a resource for Arab gamers interested in discovering the greatest online esports bookies, A7labet tries to keep its users up to speed on the newest developments in the game. Players can find informative tips, reviews, and news articles here, no matter their experience level.

Since its inception, A7labet has dominated the Arab online gaming market. You can trust their analysis of the best and safest online bookies to help you maximize your winnings. For years, this website has been the go-to resource for Arab punters seeking information on sports and esports betting. They invested a lot of time learning about the latest bookies, games, and bonuses on the market.

More Than The Matches

The 2022 Intel Arabian Cup was like a festival, and a lot of people came to watch it. This showed not only that the Arab world can host big events but also that its people are interested in esports.

Datura, Zika Star, Adham, and many more prominent and professional players, including Meeza, Esraa Fikri, Hazem Allam, and Molto, were all there, as were most of the other influencers in the sphere of esports, notably League of Legends.

A large number of cosplayers were also present at the finals, and spectators were able to snap photographs with them to remember the special occasion. The mood was upbeat and full of support for the competitors.

Final Thoughts

The Intel Arabian Cup 2022, which had a huge online audience and a sold-out grand finale, shed light on a number of important issues, including the fact that e-sports are becoming more popular in the Arab world.

Even though esports isn’t as popular as football yet, the Intel Arabian Cup this year had more attendees than many other well-known sports events. In a few short years, esports might rival football’s popularity in the Arab world, just as they do in Asia right now.

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