
Understanding Joe Regan’s Fascination With Reading And Tricks On How To Become A Reader

Methods of gathering information or learning have evolved over the years. Every new decade brings a fresh set of means through which information is disseminated. The current rage is podcasts. We all know what podcasts look and feel like but let’s understand the theoretical definition. A podcast is essentially a radio show where instead of music, a group of people has discussions and conversations about everything and anything under the sun. People can listen to these podcasts at any time, unlike live radio shows.

Understanding Joe Regan’s Fascination

This brings us to one of the most popular and original podcast hosts Mr. Joe Regan. Even if you do not follow him on any of the social media platforms, there is a high chance you have probably encountered a short clip (or shorts) of his discussion with renowned global personalities on Instagram or YouTube.

Who is Joe Rogan?

Born on 11th August 1967, Joseph James Rogan or popularly known as Joe Regan is an American TV personality who has donned many hats since he began his professional career in 1988. Starting from being a stand-up comedian in the early stages of his life to now hosting one of the most popular podcasts called The Joe Rogan Experience, he has managed to come a long way. To give you an idea, his podcast with Elon Musk which lasted for 2 hours and 37 minutes has more than 67 million views until June 2023.

During his podcast conversations, Joe Rogan is known to discuss several topics, some conventional and some controversial. These topics range from comedy to politics, science, philosophy, or anything else his guests may want to bring to the table. Do you know why he can successfully steer conversations with prominent personalities across fields of interest? The answer lies in two simple words ‘Avid Reader’ and here are some of Joe Rogan’s favorite books if you are interested to know. 

Joe Rogan and his connection to reading.

In several of his podcast episodes and other interviews, Joe Rogan has specified the importance of reading and how much of a ferocious reader he is. Over the years of hosting guests on JRE, he has invited many dignitaries from the literature world and has spoken at length on topics such as the importance of reading and how to read books in the social media age (Checkout his conversation with Naval Ravikant to understand this topic better).

He does not just advertise the significance of reading. He has gone above and beyond and created multiple lists of book recommendations for his viewers.

For those who want to start reading but do not know where to start, here are some simple steps to help in your journey of becoming a well-read person.

1- Start with the best.

This is from personal experience. The only way you will eventually fall in love with reading is if you start with the right book. Make a list of the kind of topics you would like to explore and pick a book belonging to that list. Reading about topics you don’t have an interest in will only ruin your experience.

2- Research first.

Don’t just buy a book because someone in your friend’s circle recommended it. You must research and explore your options. It’s easier with access to the Internet. If buying a book, read reviews on discussion forums, browse through the summary page, and check with other readers about their opinion on the book. Only when you are totally convinced, go ahead with the purchase.

3- Skim through at the start

Say you have purchased a book. The first thing you should do is read the introduction and skim through the pages. Browse through the following sections and read some lines to get an understanding of what you can expect in the coming sections. It helps you stay curious and look forward to what is written on the following pages. Of course, do not read the end or else there is no point in reading the entire book.

4- Dedicate some time of your day

Make it a rule to read at least some pages of the book every day. The number of pages per day depends on the reader. You can start with 2 pages a day and gradually increase as per your convenience. The important part is reading every day consistently. This will help stay connected with the book while exploring it.


It is not necessary that you may have enough time in your day to read a book. What you do have is some idle time between activities. Say while driving or working out. You can make the best use of your time by just downloading this simple app called Headway. It is an audio book-summary application with an extensive library of nonfiction books meant to help you keep learning without spending too much time reading a book. With just a click of a button, you can access your favorite book in summarized form. What more can you ask for?

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