How To

Reddit Buildapcsales : Best Place For Gamers To Get Their Components

Hello everyone, this article is related to the gaming PC and their components. I as a noob in building a PC had a very hard time finding the right components and ordering them at affordable prices. Then I met my friend who suggested me Reddit Buildapcsales there I found my components at affordable prices. (He even helped me pick the correct configuration according to my budget.)

Reddit Buildapcsales

Many of us know what is Reddit Buildapcsales subreddit is and why is famous. Still here is a short description for you.

Reddit Buildapcsales is a (subreddit) community for gamers to get their components at affordable prices. Gamers in the community post the best prices they found on the internet with the proper link to buy. This helps a lot of gamers to save some bucks and buy robux.

Here is a quick look at the Reddit Buildapcsales subreddit –

Reddit Buildapcsales

How to submit your best offer on the Reddit Buildapcsales Subreddit?

If you are surfing on the internet and find some exciting offers which you can share with the community people. You can do it just by following the below steps.

  1. Go to Reddit Buildapcsales Subreddit by clicking here.
  2. One can submit their offers by clicking on the Create post button on the right side just below the About Community section.
    create post
  3. Once you click on the button then you go to this screen below.
  4. You can find 4 options to submit i.e Post, Image and video, Links, and Poll. In this case we are using the links option.
    posting to Reddit Buildapcsales
  5. Enter a catchy title or just a normal title and then paste the permalink in the given section.
  6. Once done, you can see the tags i.e spoiler, NSFW tags which can help you identify the post properly. Click on the suitable option.
  7. Once done click on the Post button.

Note – One can save the post as a draft and publish it later.

How did I find this Subreddit?

Well, it’s really simple. I was just looking for the best configuration for my gaming PC. While reading one forum I landed on this subreddit.

Also, I was looking for getting an RSS feed for this subreddit and one of my colleagues found the best way to do it.

If you are looking for an option to keep track of a particular community without opening the Reddit dot com, then the possible alternative is to get on the RSS Feed to get your job done.

RSS feed allows you to open every page without allowing you to subscribe to them thus making your task easier.

Get an RSS Feed For Any Subreddit or Conversation

Now, to do this, you need to follow the procedure prescribed today. These steps are simple and clear and will let you get an RSS feed for any subreddit or conversation instantly.

  • Head to any subreddit, and then take a look at the URL. We’ll use the best community on the site as a starting point.
  • To access the RSS feed, simply add “.rss” to the end of the URL. We’ve found this works with and without the final slash.
  • Open the URL if you like—depending on your browser, it might look messy. But, nevertheless, your assurance, you can do it without any disturbance.
  • But remember that this is an RSS feed you can use just about anywhere and enjoy the benefits.
  • Some of the bigger web-based feed readers—Feedly, for example—won’t play friendly with feeds from popular subreddits, because Reddit is limiting how much bandwidth they can use. Desktop-based RSS readers seem to work fine, however.
  • Note that you can add .rss to the end of pretty much any Reddit URL. For example, if you’re a glutton for punishment, you could subscribe to and see way too much content.
  • After doing this, you can even subscribe to the conversation that you want and add RSS to the end of the post’s URL. Once you subscribe to the conversation, you get an opportunity to see all the information without actually opening Reddit.

Track All Reddit Links to Any Domain With RSS

Not everyone knows this, but it’s relatively simple to see every post on Reddit to a particular domain: just head to followed the domain of the website.

You can actually combine this trick with the RSS trick, allowing you to keep track of every time a particular domain is linked to it without having to actually open Reddit.

This is extremely helpful if you are the owner of a website and want to keep track of all the Reddit links in order to find out the surge in the traffic on the website.


We have found the best community for building your gaming PC in an affordable price. Reddit Buildapcsales have helped me save a lot of bucks. However, if you are not able to look for the proper deals do let us know we can help you find the best deals.

Comment down below or contact us.

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