
Essential Design Terms Used by Game Developers

Stepping into the world of game development and design is a challenging experience. The language used in this field is unique and can confuse anyone striving to venture into the gaming industry. To become an effective game developer, you must learn the names of game development tools and professional terms. Once you have mastered these vital terms, grasping the development and design processes will be pretty easy. In this article, we decode four game design and development terminologies that are used by game developers.

Game Engine

Game design and development consist of many assets, such as the physics of the interaction between in-game objects, sound, and graphics. The designers use powerful game development software to manage these assets, including code, sound, and art. This software is what is popularly referred to as the game engine. For instance, the Telltale tool is the engine used in managing assets in Telltale games such as The Walking Dead and Batman.

The game engine is the heart of every video game, as it plays an integral role in ensuring it runs seamlessly. Some engines like Unity and Unreal can work on multiple PC platforms (Windows and Mac) and mobile devices (iOS Phones, Tablets, and Android Phones).

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is a game design term that every developer should know. AI is powering the creation of more immersive video games. In current games, AI is the code responsible for controlling other characters (non-player characters), excluding the one guided by the player. The AI algorithm in the games contains several objectives that non-player characters will strive to accomplish.

In games like Final Fantasy XV, the NPC’s objective is to attack the player, while the player’s allies (another set of NPCs) have AI goals of helping the player by defending him and attacking his enemies. In card games like poker, the NPCs are well-versed with common poker terms and skills likely to outwit a professional. Most popular poker terminologies include bluff, fold, and float. However, there are over 1000 poker terms out there, and you should check them out if you want to become a skilled player.

Alpha and Beta

Once you understand these two Greek terms, you will be ready for your game development journey. Alpha and Beta define two crucial parts of the development cycle of a video game. Alpha refers to the segment of the game that is shared by testers. At this phase, the game’s assets are rightfully placed and functional. However, the game still needs to be refined before it is launched. Beta is the game’s version closer to the final design. Some developers can release the Beta version to the market in order to generate enough hype before the game is fully launched. This strategy is known as Open Beta and is the best strategy for advertising highly awaited games, as it gives gamers a taste of the thrill they should expect.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

GUI is a concept of video game design referring to everything the player sees on screen while enjoying the game. The Graphical User Interface comprises things like the player’s gear, health, or a map that guides you to the next adventure. The contents of the GUI differ depending on the uniqueness of each game. Everything on the start screen, including the icons, is part of the user interface. The GUI also determines if the game is user-friendly or not.

In Summation

The first step to learning anything, including game development and design, is knowing the basic terms. The game design process comprises basic terminologies that every beginner should know, such as game engine, artificial intelligence, graphical user interface, and Alpha and Beta. These terms will usher you into the world of game development and design. They will also lessen the difficulty of mastering these crucial processes in your journey to becoming an exceptional game developer.

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